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Posts posted by senorsoupe

  1. 1 hour ago, Torpar said:

    Leafs playoff tickets went on presale to people who are signed up to Leafs Nation, tried as soon as it hit 1pm, sold out already, $365 the cheapest resale ticket I've seen so far. Ah well, lets go Marlies!

    One of the reasons why I haven't paid to see an NHL game in a while, and I live in Ottawa where the tickets are a heck of a lot easier to get.  

  2. Playoffs start this week.  I hope my Canadiens can win a round or two.  Here are my (totally unbiased, honsest!) predictions for round 1

    Washington in 6
    Montreal in 6
    Ottawa in 7
    Columbus in 7

    Chicago in 6
    St. Louis in 7
    Edmonton in 5
    Anaheim in 6

    Apart from Montreal, I'm really liking Edmonton.  They are a really exciting young team.


  3. 18 hours ago, LiviLion said:

    What's with penalties in this game? Never get fucking scored :lol:

    Nice knowing your keeper will save them all, frustrating as f**k when you never score any though. 

    I'm having the same issue, I just figured my entire team was shite at penalties but I'm glad that I'm not the only one.  My in match success rate is around 50% from the spot.

  4. 1 hour ago, stawner upper said:

    The queues at some of them "Timmys" at times, you'd think they were giving the stuff away, if the prices are good I can see them taking off big time here as well

    That's the key.  Here in Canada a cup at Timmy's is less than $2.00 Canadian, which is significantly cheaper than Starbucks and comparable to McDonalds (who also have good coffee).  Tim's Coffee is functional and reliable but nothing special, people drink it over here as some sort of patriotic gesture, especially in small towns, but it's really nothing special.  I'm not a coffee snob (my only requirement in a coffee is that it has caffeine) so I'll buy it when I need coffee and it's close but I don't go out of my way for a cup.  

    Either way, reliable coffee will soon be available to Glaswegians!

  5. Update on my Celtic Team Scotland plan.  I'm 4 full season in, preparing for my 5th.  2018-19 was a bit of a disaster, finished 2nd in the league behind Hearts and lost the Scottish Cup final to Sevco.  Getting to the round of 16 of the Champions league saved my job and 2019-20 was a major success!  I won the domestic treble and made it to the semi finals of the Europa League. With some Scottish Cup replays and having to start from the first EL qualifying round I ended up playing 71 competitive games!  I'm still rocking 8 or 9 Scots in my best XI, I have struggled to develop a good Scottish goalie, Jack Hamilton and Josh Donaldson have not worked out well so I bought and Italian guy from Aston Villa in Winter 2020.  Kristoffer Ajer has taken over from Scott Brown (who retired at the end of the 2019-20 season and joined my coaching staff).  Meanwhile Scott Sinclair is still my preferred left winger, but I'm developing a youngster named Jamie McLeish, who is now 21 and has played quite well after Sinclair got injured.  This off season I am splashing some cash, bringing in Ryan Gauld for 6.5 million and on the verge of getting Oliver Burke for 7,5 million.  Stuart Armstrong meanwhile was sold to Wolves for 5.5 million and I'll most likely sell Robert Snodgrass once Burke is tied up. I've also got Matthew Knox, Jack Aitchison (who I have developed as a winger) and a youngster named Jack Paterson on the fringes of the first team.

    Best XI with everyone healthy

                 P. Gollini

    C. Paterson J. Souttar. G. Hanley K. Tierney

               K. Ajer  J. McGinn

    J, Aitchison  R. Christie  S. SInclair

                  L. Griffiths


    Scottish best XI

                            J. Hamilton

    C. Paterson J. Souttar. G. Hanley K. Tierney

                        R. Gauld  J. McGinn

    J, Aitchison  R. Christie   J. McLeish

                           L. Griffiths

  6. On 4/3/2017 at 08:44, TheScarf said:

    Apparently it's because he made all 3 subs at the same time. The first time this has ever been done.  #visionary #goingfor55

    The most memorable time I saw any manager do that was Mourinho back in his first spell at Chelsea.  It was an FA cup game against Newcastle and they made all 3 subs at half time.  Ended up with guys getting injured including the goalie so I think it was Damien Duff who finished the game in goal.

    Chelsea lost for the record but it shows that this is less of a tactical masterclass as much as it is a stupid gamble.

  7. 16 hours ago, Staggie_93 said:

    Billy Gilmour on his way to Chelsea for £625k..? Very poor choice of club that, will be punted to a rake of English diddy's before ending up in the Scottish Championship.

    If I were to pick one team to avoid at all costs for a youngster it would be Chelsea.  They pretty much never graduate academy kids to being first team regulars and hoard players to loan them out all over europe.  The Chelsea Academy should be renamed Uncle Roman's Player Leasing service

  8. 2 hours ago, Girth said:


    Congrats!  I believe you are the first club in the top 8 English divisions AND the top 5 Scottish divisions to clinch your league (or even get promoted).  Managed to pip East Kilbride and Celtic by a week.

  9. 1 hour ago, NM_1919 said:

    Out of contact in summer, us having a look at him for then?

    It would be a low risk move, get him in on essentially a trial, possibly even without paying much in wages and see how he looks at that level.   He's clearly got no future at Celtic so might as well train with QOS to see if he can land a deal for next season.  

  10. 32 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Aird is absolutely pish and I'd be disappointed if he signed. A right winger is our last priority just now anyway.

    M'Voto from Raith seems like a plausible option if Scobbie is to leave, can't think of anyone else going out of contract down there who'd be any real use though

    Aird is more than a Right Winger though, he played as a Right Back for Vancouver in MLS and was very good.  He played on the wing for us last night but can play anywhere on the right hand side of the park.

  11. 17 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Seriously, who structures their team with the left back on that side of it? OFTW I reckon.

    Sorry, I accidentally reversed them.  Is this better?



    C. Paterson  J. Souttar   Hanley   Tierney

             J. McGinn     Brown

    Forrest   Armstrong   Mackay-Steven



    Here is my overall strongest team


     Lustig Sviatchenko  Hanley Tierney

                J. McGinn    Brown

    Forrest  Armstrong   Sinclair  


  12. After a year and a bit in my most recent save I'm able to field a pretty strong All Scottish Celtic team, although it's not the strongest team I can field with my players, that team has 8 Scots.  

    Here is my Strongest all Scottish team


    Tierney   J. Souttar   Hanley   C. Paterson

             J. McGinn     Brown

    Mackay-Steven  Armstrong   Forrest



    Here is my overall strongest team


    Tierney  Sviatchenko  Hanley  Lustig

                J. McGinn    Brown

    Sinclair    Armstrong   Forrest


  13. I think that Matthew Lindsay's article is a reminder that maybe Ibrox needs some adult intervention at the boardroom level to stabilize the ship.  Celtic needed the tough love of Fergus McCann in the 90's to fix the problems left behind by the old board while Hearts needed Ann Budge to clean up the Romanov mess.  Another shyster with purported deep pockets will not fix the problem

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