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  1. It wouldn't matter what game plan he came up with, the Germans were always going to win the first game. So judge and jury on two winnable games is harsh considering the circumstances,the players did underperform in both games it's hard to say any player got pass marks. Pointing the finger is easy, he could've should've would've made many mistakes,agree or disagree it was poor from the start to the finish.
  2. Clarke has excuses on that but he didn't use them,Hickey and Dykes, I tend to agree he had options with Forrest,Conway plus to use Shankland more. His passive aggressive approach to games got us this far,qualifying for tournaments is something, getting us out the group is another thing. In general this group of players should qualify for tournaments that's what Clarke has done taking the next step with or without Clarke is irrelevant,change if we regress for me progress is being there.
  3. Pissing down in cologne,every player needs to improve from the German game,for me the game was to big for the players we can't let that happen again.
  4. I see the tarts have got some of the best stand free's from the league (Blair Spittal and Yan Dhanda)Ryan Strain and Liam Kelly still available.
  5. I think he signed a 4 year deal but hes been at the club for about 6 seasons,don't think he got another 4 years M8.
  6. What duz a budget mean in football?,Celtic have dosh in the bank that they don't spend,we spend about 20 million a season on players is that what you mean by a budget?Celtic have also got planning permission to build a hotel and museum. I never said anything about wanting it more but I do think it's important to have players at the club that have came through the ranks, when at each level they play at, it's easy for a club like Celtic to put them down the pecking order with just buying players.
  7. Not sure if Bain is staying at Celtic after this season so we probably need two keepers this summer.
  8. Sorry wee man you're posting pish,the reason he will score more goals is because Celtic create more chances feck all to do with the level hes playing at.
  9. It will be an interesting summer,I don't agree with the handbreak comment Celtic spent the guts of 20 million on players,the regression has come from St Brendan,Bernardo and Idah should be signed. The regression could also come from, can Celtic get a better player than the player we already have in each position,apart from the obvious (goalkeeper)?
  10. Pissing into a coke-a-cola bottle and leaving it is pretty decent of him to be fair.
  11. It was a great finish from Lundstram M8,Butland had no chance.
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