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Everything posted by philpy

  1. My evening walk route takes me right past MgGlynn's house. [emoji16][emoji16]
  2. Good old fashioned stew, gravy, onion and sausages. Mashed tatties currently cooking away.
  3. What about a Claude anelka Q&A?? *shuts door quietly on way out*
  4. Going to try this. Looks easy enough... https://foodanddrink.scotsman.com/food/a-history-of-square-sausage-including-a-recipe-for-making-your-own/
  5. I'm a builders merchants, and I'm a bit concerned about how this will all affect our branch. We were only taken over by a shareholding group of companies 2 years ago, we were ran by a Dundee firm before that, head office at tealing.
  6. Fried thin cut steaks, with melted cheese, red onion and mustard on toasted ciabattas.
  7. Good grief. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/police-fine-family-flouting-coronavirus-lockdown-a4413631.html.
  8. We should get either bodge or andy ticklefeet to speak on behalf of the club.
  9. Maybe not. The posts have all disappeared.
  10. Gaz and granny danger on the covid19 thread. Ooft [emoji23]
  11. I found a wallet in the car park opposite work one morning. The guy had the same name as me. Managed to track him down through his dentist as he had an appointment card in the wallet. He thought I was taking the piss when he phoned me and asked my name.
  12. I found a 1lb steak pie still in it's wrapper the other day, lying on a path up to the railway station. Didn't touch it obviously, but surely to f**k you'd notice if you dropped something that size??
  13. Seconded. Like eating fucking cardboard.
  14. You're kidding me?? I'm on the app so can't see who's dotting who. Don't worry, he'll be along to accuse me of making this all up next....
  15. The thing is, our next door neighbours are both in their late 60's, and are the kindest people you could ever meet. But they seem to think its OK to have people from other households in their house as long as they kept 2 metres away, which we all know isn't how it works. Our front gardens aren't very large and they had 8 folk, including them out in theirs today.
  16. People from 2 different households away to asda in the same car. Other people bringing their partners, again, From other households, back to their houses. Family gatherings in gardens. All these c***s need a good fucking slap. [emoji35]
  17. f**k knows, but he has a dug called rudi [emoji23]
  18. Saw Billy brown while out for my walk tonight.
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