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Everything posted by philpy

  1. He met her at IKEA when he was on holiday in Strathclyde.
  2. Marshmallo is just a grade A w****r who brings nothing to the site.
  3. Oh dear oh dear. Aye that's right, I'll make up that stuff. I'm a person that's sticking to the guidelines so we ain't in lockdown forever. I'd gladly do what I did on Saturday Again. You must be the one that's desperate for attention if you post shite like that to try and get some likes and greenies.
  4. Folk bringing politics into it, as expected. The guy's fiancee is pregnant FFS, I Hope he pulls through so he can be fit and healthy when the kid arrives.
  5. Sun going down behind Arthur's seat tonight, taken whilst on my evening walk.
  6. She's gone. I'm away to my holiday home to celebrate. Wait, what??..
  7. Overheard idiot neighbour talking to a friend earlier "fucking snakes man, why would someone do that?? So much for us being a close community" Me..
  8. Started to learn chords to some songs on this wee bugger. Aye its blue, so whit. Big team found, blah blah blah...
  9. Nursing a sore head after excessive dark rum consumption. Better watch, DA baracus will be along to give me a lecture about my drinking...
  10. I'll never worry about upsetting someone less than half my age. Unless I'm Prince Andrew.
  11. I'm not the only person that lives in the street....
  12. The lad is only 20, and the thing is a lot of that age group are very social media orientated. The government guidelines are plastered everywhere online, so no c**t can't say they weren't warned...
  13. Ach, leave VT, it's just lighthearted stuff. I'm actually disappointed only one person posted it [emoji16][emoji16]
  14. That we did the right thing, and they'll send someone round....
  15. Young lad 4 doors up just got out of his car with 4 of his mates and went into the house with a load of drink. Aye I've reported them to the police, but I'm not fucking caring. Not enough folk taking this seriously enough. Idiots like that will Just contribute to tougher measures.
  16. We gutted the livingroom between us today, which included lifting all the cushions off the sofa and hoovering underneath them. She's just noticed I've put 2 of them back in the wrong corners (they are identical), and world war 3 has fucking started. She's told me "I don't fucking listen" and she's slammed the door shut and stomped upstairs. Saying that, it's Left me in peace to watch the big TV, so e every cloud...
  17. Slice of Victoria sponge, Made by myself [emoji16]
  18. She'll always put the same shitey playlist on Spotify, but will go in the huff when I change it or complain about hearing it for the 10th time in a row.
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