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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Leftover chicken curry pasties.
  2. Had some leftover chicken from last night's curry, so I've made pasties with some tortilla wraps.
  3. I hope he's found safe and well. Never met the lad but he comes across really sound on here, and I've spoke to him a few times on twitter.
  4. Made some onions bhajis. Not too bad for a first attempt, maybe a wee bit too crunchy.
  5. I'm currently furloughed. May as well get pished, no work in the morning. I do hope that changes soon, as it fucks with your daily routine.
  6. Just over 3 grand for a week, that's not bad actually [emoji50][emoji50]
  7. 2 steak and 2 mince from the butchers. Getting kept for the next week or so.
  8. I had the worst ever mince pies from a bakery in montrose last year (can't mind the name), but they were truly awful. I bit into one an big drop of molten lava grease landed on my leg and nearly burnt a hole through my jeans. ETA - It was frost's.
  9. If he died he would identifiable by his footwear. "Mrs par, would you like us to lift the cover so you can see his face??". "Nope, that's definitely him, I can recognise those crocodile skin loafers anywhere"
  10. The next train will be stopping at point scoring parkway, followed by smartarse town, final destination will be condescending c**t Central. Honestly, give it a fucking rest with the unnecessary bickering FFS.
  11. Must be the day for it [emoji16] I've ordered a pressure washer as well, click and collect from screwfix. Got to head to asda for some shopping, so I'll be driving past screwfix anyways.
  12. At Least he doesn't look like Billy Bragg.
  13. Idiot neighbour from 4 doors up's son just got out his car with 2 other lads. None of them stay in the same household. Tell you what, I'm going to end up falling out with some of the neighbours, but I'm past fucking caring. It's down to people to be sensible, but it's not having the desired effect on some c***s. If it's not knocked on the head by the time the letters from the PM are received, there will be phone calls made, or I'll be having a word with the c***s (from a safe distance of course).
  14. The ones at Haddington are supplied by anderson's the butchers in North Berwick. Oh in fact, I'm getting 4 of them with my delivery tommorow [emoji16][emoji16]
  15. My neighbours and another neighbour from 4 doors up are painting a fence. Now 4 other family members, including 2 kids, have decided to visit "because its a nice day". They just don't fucking get it.
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