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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Seen them twice at t in the park, five times at Glastonbury, and once at a benefit gig for rangers (rip).
  2. A complete inability to tidy the kitchen as she is going, including not putting things in the bin, especially milk bottle caps.
  3. We are doing the start of a stocktake today and someone has phoned in sick.
  4. Spent nearly half an hour looking for her phone, which she hadn't taken out with her when we went to the shops. I decided to go and look in the car, and was told I was wasting my time as it wasn't there. Guess what I found under her seat??. Yep. The phone.
  5. I'll disagree with that. I've tried mushrooms on numerous occasions but have never taken to the taste and texture of them.
  6. Camouflage trousers and a high viz jacket. Do you want to be fucking seen or not??
  7. Can't be arsed creating a thread, but where is best for a decent Mexican meal in Glasgow City centre??
  8. To be fair, you always get piste in your own house.
  9. Add to that people that start to load their shopping on the belt before you've even finished putting your stuff on.
  10. Heading out earlier, and where the blue line is in the pic, a car was sitting with its hazards on, causing traffic going either way to struggle to get past. I thought the car had broken down. No, the stupid fucking driver had parked there to go and buy a bottle of juice.
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