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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Lol wut. Shows the measure of the man if he does that. He's going to get it tight tonight, hopefully this will knock him off his game. I for one hope that MVG knocks him off his perch.
  2. I get stressed when I'm trying to cook things that need to be done at different times, i always fear that il burn something or everything won't be ready at the same time.
  3. Exactly. I think I'm one in a long line of people that just take their other halves for granted and don't do enough. The wife has had a rotten year and I want to start doing more around the house to start with.
  4. The daughters are not having any steak pie, purely for the fact they don't want any.
  5. I hope you steaked your claim, And didn't mince your words.
  6. We had spoken about it, but her 2 daughters will be there to help her with most of the stuff.
  7. She's waiting to get surgery on her foot. I might be a c**t at times but I wouldn't see someone struggle.
  8. It was only 6 quid. I gave her a lift down so she get get some wine (we were going Down for ourselves anyway). I made sure i pointed the pies out to her.
  9. It's ok. She got one from the pinkie farm shop in musselburgh.
  10. That will getting changed soon. Scunnered with the fitba at the moment.
  11. I knew you'd be along at some point. The wife is going to be out most of the morning. My plan was to have everything cooked and ready for her coming in, she thought she'd be doing it all when she came in. I then had to tell her this so she could tell her sister that we wouldn't be going down to hers.
  12. Oh aye, she came up with this gem as well - "I couldn't get a steak pie" baws. There is a tesco, an asda, Lidl, Aldi, farmfoods, Iceland, a co-op and numerous butchers within a ten mile radius. I smell shite!
  13. Sorry, i meant "which I was meant to be". The wife usually preps All the veg and potatoes, I was going to do it for a change. Obviously she knew about the pie....
  14. In the words of Alan partridge, abso-bloody-exactly. I've since then told the wife to phone her back I was cooking lunch for me and the wife as a surprise tommorow. Which I am.
  15. It's meant to be for 4 people, but it doesnt look remotely big enough to feed 4.
  16. The sister in law phoned the wife today and asked what we are doing on New Year's Day, the wife told her that the Two of us are having steak pie for lunch, the sister in law says if we want we could take the steak pie down to her house so our nephew and the wife's brother in law could get a bit as well. What a fucking cheek!
  17. Surely he can't do it. Surely....
  18. Don't normally watch the darts, but I've got to say I was glued to the tv tonight. Van Gerwen was ace, wade is a classless fuckwit.
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