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Everything posted by philpy

  1. It's not funny when folk do it practically right at your front door when parking is tight enough as it is though.
  2. People who cannot park properly. Especially the ones that park in the middle of 2 spaces.
  3. don't throw water on a hot fat fire, it'll take your face off!!
  4. Oooh, scary irishmen! With your berets, you look like saddam Hussein, frank spencer, and, the French!
  5. I love "broken hearted" by karmin
  6. I've met Paul riley. Get it up ye. YAAAAAAAASSSSS!!
  7. Well put. Maybe the settings need tweaked??
  8. Ooft!! Where can you buy it?? They just need to bring "Metz" back now. Man, how I loved that stuff....
  9. I Saw a pink nissan car at the fort today. It had a pink ribbon on the bonnet with "donna" in white letters in front of it. the whole of the inside of the car was more or less pink as well. Words fail me.
  10. Move and fire, move and fire, get him with a headshot, he's going down!
  11. This toilet flushed away half a pound of mashed up dundee cake. Handy if you've got elderley relatives on board
  12. Dont get me started. I tore the wife to shreds tonight. She "checked in" on the bus. On a road. About 5 minutes away from the house. Oh and she's up the stairs, no speaking to me. Someone she knew died yesterday, and she said "i only saw her last week", to which i responded with "was she dead when you saw her?"
  13. I thought it meant you were shagging Catherine tate. Ah well.
  14. Idiots on facebook / twitter who insist on giving you live weather updates - "omg, it's raining!" aye cheers, you've just saved me from having to look out the window.
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