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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Good lord. Send them all back, get them re-delivered a week before Easter.
  2. I thought that said "conceived". Bedtime ahoy.....
  3. As the barman in the pub called time, "closing time" by semisonic started playing on the jukebox.
  4. Time to start looking for a new job I think. There are two of us in the warehouse and when one of us goes on holiday, one person has to do almost everything themselves. Head office and the "favourite" branches either have 3 folk or they get cover when needed.
  5. Hoegaarden, or however the hell you spell it
  6. Phone them. Or I'l turn up at yer door dressed as jimmy saville. Or itzdrk. Same thing I suppose.
  7. Phone the bank. It's not your fault the wages went in late. Get the charge reversed. I've done it before. Who do you bank with?
  8. My work was robbed during the night. The boss came in this morning to find the safe had been ripped off the wall. 6 days takings gone, along with 2 charity boxes. Dirty scummy b*****ds.
  9. Both chaumont and Campbell were at the fife vs hull game last night. Fife won 4-3.
  10. Old pip schofield just put a photo of his tea. I've asked him if it was on his paedo list.
  11. Hmmm. Chaumont and Campbell cut from the clan. I would take chaumont at fife, hopefully he would have a point to prove. He's very bitter about getting the boot, and a lot of the clan fans are unhappy with zemlak.
  12. Would you like me to lap dance for you??
  13. Nearly went off the road at Sutton bank yesterday because of some pillock with his full beam on tailgaiting me. For the record, Sutton bank is york shires version of the rest and be thankful, and slightly worse.
  14. "Chip and ketchup" flavoured Pringles really are awesome.
  15. Went into the shop down the road tonight for my paper, there was a queue about 7 deep, one woman was on the till and another was stocking the shelves. It was the usual customers in the front "five on the gas , 10 on the leccy, 20 fags, 3 scratch cards", and of course, 3 bars of chocolate for the screaming wean. I stood in the queue for a good ten minutes, whilst one served and the other kept stacking. The other worker then decided to go behind the till when there was 2 folk left in the queue. It's not the first time it's happened, poor service in a nutshell.
  16. I was at the fife game, we (fife) just weren't at the races. The ref was murder as well, a few bad calls on both teams.
  17. Colonel mustard, in the en suite with a lead pipe, battered.
  18. Aye, that game. I'm a fife fan lol. Fife have improved a bit from last season, still need another import or two,
  19. Bumpity bump. Anyone been to see much of their respective teams this season so far??
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