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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Would you like a Cuban cigar tony?? Rolled on the thighs of a virgin
  2. I visualise Him typing "stan" whilst shouting it like olive from "on the buses"
  3. In bed, at 20 past eight on a Sunday. By f**k, i must be getting old.
  4. I think I may have been very rude towards Peter Dow last night. Ah well.
  5. Junkies who think its ok to shout abuse at shopworkers just because they can't make out what the scumbags are asking for.
  6. That is first class, have a years supply of greenies!!
  7. I'l be up for going to the next one. But the big question is - did anyone see tacheman??
  8. Which one is zen?? Just wondering if I recognise him from the fitba
  9. One of the customers is exactly the same, he's more looking forward the boozing than the football.
  10. Car in the garage, starter motor is fucked and they are so busy it can't be fixed till Monday. Luckily the owner is good friends with my boss, so I'll save some cash. f**k, after the last few days I'd be as we'll as taking up a permanent residence on this thread.
  11. Yeah, of course I had a childhood, but I never felt the need or saw the attraction of setting fire to things. I had a paper round and I used to walk a neighbours dog, I would use the money to buy computer games or footy magazines or to go to the footy in the afternoon or the ice hockey at night. i had, and still have, a wee thing for people called respect, it was the way i was brought up and it'll never change. I'm not the only person that's getting pissed off with these brats, it's getting to the point where somebody's going to get hurt, that's the point I'm trying to get across here.
  12. Sorry I took so long to reply, just had to make sure that tumbleweed didn't damage my car.
  13. Yeah, you might think its fun but try telling that to the emergency services who get pissed off having to deal with these stupid wee idiots and their daft fires. Hell mend the wee c***s if their parents house is burning down whilst the fire service are putting out silly bonfires.
  14. All the little brats round our scheme think its the 5th of november already. They started a bonfire near the community centre last night, and then later on some bins next to the units in the industrial estate. Dont know what they are thinking, if the bin fires had spread to the units it could have been nasty, there are garages in the units with gas cylinders FFS. the wee shits have just walked past the houses, headed towards the community centre with piles of wood, next door neighbour has phoned the police. There's been another ned zipping round the houses on the paths on a trail bike, im worried that a kid or an old person will be hurt or even worse. Im sorry, but the council have went to the trouble of trying to organise sports activities and games consoles in the community centre, why do they have to be so fuckin stupid and irresponsible??
  15. The wife just said the same thing, it was still an offence
  16. Yep, no complaints. The WPC was a right snooty cow though. The PC would have just cautioned me if he had his way I think.
  17. Worst thing was, they were right across the road dealing with something else, didn't even notice the fuckers
  18. Decided to stop at the bank this morning so the wife could get money. Got a chap on the window from the polis. I had parked on the zig zag lines near a crossing. 3 points and a 60 quid fine. b*****d.
  19. Thought i would try something different tonight. Chicken breast, butterflied and filled with bbq sauce, topped with garlic and herb philadephia, topped with breadcrumbs and diced chorizo, served with a side of breaded onion rings.
  20. I see your point gaz, but for some reason my boss decides to take the risk, he even does it at 4.45 during the week ffs
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