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Everything posted by philpy

  1. you going to the social club on saturday?

  2. Auld wifeys who stand and blether in the middle of supermarket aisles.
  3. Cant we just get back to actual petty things, like ummmm, supermarket trolleys with wonky wheels or summat?
  4. There was me going to buy you a pint on saturday if i see/trip over you.
  5. errm, there are more people at work than just me who have noticed it. It was someone else that pointed it out to me.
  6. Sarcasim is the lowest form of wit, my bushy-bearded friend. I know it's hardly a crime, but the p***k in question is one of those snidey bassas that seems to get away with everything.
  7. People at work who take longer than they are supposed to for breaks
  8. cypress hill - insane in the membrane. Muthafucka!
  9. Not really much of a film buff, but i decided to watch wonathon woss last night, and "the last king of scotland" looks to be quite interesting, might go and see it.
  10. People who leave there xmas shopping till the last minute, and then they moan about the shops being busy! what the f'k do they expect? oh, and people who clatter your ankles with trolleys in supermarkets
  11. And the sad thing is, you get people who find those stories amusing, mostly women.
  12. i hate people who have a job but still moan about it. There's a guy at work who comes into the canteen everyday saying "another shite day, i hate this f'kin place" fuckin leave then!
  13. i went for a piss this morning and the sink was full of dishes! whats all that about eh?
  14. that's actually classed as assualt nowadays, for some reason
  15. I have reported you both to the music police. Expect a dawn raid tommorow morning, all your offending music shall be bagged and taken away for evidence.
  16. Seconded. £6.20 for a cheap day return, but £5.40 for a single?
  17. I cant believe you think i would lie about a family death you really need to stop being such a fuckin dick.
  18. Thanks guys. Im fine, im old enough to understand, its my wee cousins i feel sorry for, they are only 10 and 5
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