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Posts posted by JamesP_81

  1. Can't decide what annoyed me more about the c*nt in the SP Energy van behind me along the M80/M73 this morning. Pulling out to undertake me every time the heavy traffic stretched out or raising his hand to 'thank' the car behind me every time he cut back in , seemingly oblivious to the fact he had no rear window through which his gesture could be seen !

  2. Folk rattling the door handle when I'm on the throne trying to have a nice relaxing jobby at work.  Why?  Just why?
    Admittedly the door doesn't have a vacant/occupied sign on the lock but it's pretty obvious that when the line on the lock is vertical it's open and when it's horizontal it's locked.  One quick look tells you whether someone is in there or not so there's no need to rattle the handle like a demented chimp trying to solve a rubix cube.
    One guy the other day tried the door and, upon finding it was locked, chapped and said "hello?"  What the f*ck is that all about?  How am I meant to even respond to that?
    This is happening 2 or 3 times every single time I'm dropping the kids off at the pool and I cannot understand this sort of behaviour.
    A man's time on the throne pinching off a bum cigar is sacred and should be treated as such. 
    I use the unwritten rule ( unwritten as it seems so painfully obvious and logical ) that if a bathroom/toilet in the house doesn't have a lock then if it's closed its occupied , do not disturb. At all other times it should be left open thus advertising the availability of the facilities. I feel this is a simple and effective method that negates any chance of annoyance or embarrassment for either party.
    Why is this such a difficult puzzle for women to solve !?
  3. 2 to 3 year old 
    I have a 6 plate Kia cee'd, great car well specced , decent space in the back and boot. Have used the warranty to replace a flickering daytime light in the cluster , replaced whole unit and the other one as a precaution no fuss .
  4. I've had a 2014 1.5 dci model since new and I've done 27,000 miles in it.  Not had a single problem with it.  It's been a great wee car.  The engine is pokey enough and you can fling it about a wee bit.  Also, depending on what model you happen to be looking at, the Medianav Radio/Sat Nav system in it is very good, no DAB though.  No CD player either as seem to be the way with a lot of modern cars now.
    It's too wee for me now as the kids don't have enough room in the back on the occasions that I take them anywhere in it, so I'm looking to change it out for something bigger soon.
    Glad to hear this as I've just bought that model/year as a wee run around when the Mrs has the big car with the kids. Got 19000 miles on the clock. Quite impressed with the spec in it and getting 60+mpg even without eco mode on ! Cracking wee car to drive .
  5. I remember going to see Billy Connolly at the armadillo a few years back , opening night and tickets were scarce , think I ended up paying double the price through some tout site. Got there and the place was ram-packed as expected but was puzzled why the entire row behind me was empty. Then I noticed it was because Kenny Miller had bought the whole row so that him and his bird could sit in the middle of it undisturbed . What an utter f*cking c*nt.

  6. The small boot put me off getting a polo tbh, haven’t had a proper look at the boot of a Renault but it wasn’t something I had actually considered at this point. I just fancied a change from a Ford as they have been my previous cars and i drive a connect van at work!
    I'd agree with rowan, with a wee one to cart about then style/comfort etc go out the window , buy the car with the biggest boot/storage space you can possibly afford ! You'll find a seemingly innocuous overnight somewhere with a newborn will have even the focus bursting at the seams!
  7. There's a great website that shows the elevation of each Parkrun course in the UK.
    Strathclyde is the flattest course in Scotland, elevation of just 9 feet. 9 feet!
    Drumchapel the hilliest at 424 feet. That's insane over a 5K course.
    Strathclyde park is my local one , my usual 5km route I do around my house has 88m elevation change , first time I done Strathy I took about 4 minutes off my fastest time !!!
  8. Thought that was fairly decent , sure it didn't finish on a cliffhanger like previous seasons but enough left open to suggest next season will be different. Thought the throat slash was a great move from Rick , realistically tho he couldn't kill Negan or else that would have completely invalidated Carl's legacy.
    Definitely get the feeling that it's moving back towards humans Vs the dead again.

  9. My current account debit card expires 04/18 and a replacement has failed to show up as of yet. [emoji20]
    First world problems but this has never happened to me before and I'm worried that some theiving post-man has made off with it. All my other replacement cards have shown up before the old one has expired.
    Mines exactly the same and no sign of a new card , hadn't actually thought about it till I saw your post. I imagine it to be expiring at the end of 04/18, tho with the amount it was getting skelped on a weekend to Edinburgh with the Mrs there it might be a good thing if I don't have access to a debit card for a while !
  10. They obviously had a big stash of them that was so secret they've never spoken about it . Or been found on a scavenging run that was of so little importance it wasn't worth bothering us with. Either way if that was a walker swarm in front of the house they would have used half as many bullets and every one would be a head shot!

  11. Bullets maybe don’t ignite fuel but the numerous sparks made as they struck metal was more than ample....

    Did mythbusters not do an episode on this , debunking the whole lighting a pool of petrol with a bullet thing ? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure the petrol and air would need to be under some kind of compression for the spark to ignite it.
  12. Best episode in ages . Thought they were gonna blindside us by wiping out negan from out of nowhere after how many seasons of dragging a plot out ?! Bit ridiculous tho that Rick has spent the last few years nonchalantly firing off headshots from all ranges and angles but then can't hit a 6ft target from 10 paces , or more to the point finish off his nemesis when he's trapped in an upturned car ! That aside it looks like things are gonna pick up pace and finally round off the negan storyline.

  13. At what point does craft beer begin or end? It's beer, experiment and drink more of the kinds you like. If a tosser with a top knot and tattoos is standing next to you, move. Same as you would if a slabbering ned in a tracksuit turned up next to you. If the pub is shite, move on.
    I've been drinking for years, but it's not that hard to get the hang of.
    This exactly. When I drink a beer pretty much the last thing that's going through my head is what marketing campaign it has been involved in, what surroundings I'm in, or the personality of the brewery owners. Do I like it , yes or no, pretty simple why complicate it.
    Can't understand people who will either love or hate everything made from one brewery , some brewdogs I like some i cant stand, same with most other brands.

  14. I have given up on it tbh but I refuse to stop watching until I know how it ends. We've had that discussion on here previously. If they came out and said there is 3 seasons left I'd stop watching completely but it surely has to be close to the end now.

    Such a potentially excellent show has just run itself into mediocrity.
    This pretty much sums it up for me . I think they've written themselves into a bit of a corner whereby it's turned into a kind of soap opera rather than a horror drama . Feels a bit like the show itself has turned into merely a vehicle for fan based engagement (such as the talking dead etc) .
    Will continue to watch it tho as I feel I've invested too much time into it to not see it through to the end. 1 more season ending in either a cure being found and society being restored or total bleak annihilation with the only survivor being that CGI deer picking away between Rick and Judith's rotting carcasses will do me fine.
  15. The TV cameras actually look straight at that stand but they don't often have an angle that shows the third tier due to the camera gantry being quite close to the pitch and the roof overhang blocking most of the seats. You can see it on some wide shots though, especially on the far left of the screen. In Germany, Dynamo Dresden are toying with the idea of adding a third tier to their ground even though it's an enclosed bowl. It'll hang from the roof at some mental angle that probably wouldn't pass H&S codes in the UK. 27dynamo1.jpg.635d7a96ddf115273ee88e6445073ee3.jpg
    Ah ok cheers , will pay a bit more attention next time I'm watching a game. That Dresden idea looks mental !
  16. while straying away from the 'quirks of Scottish stadiums'  original theme, that main stand at Goodison is a joyous sight for any ground-hopper...... I feel vertigo kicking in just looking at photos
    Jeez , that's incredible , take it that's the stand the TV camera's mounted on , don't ever recall seeing it . That bottom picture mid construction is amazing , really see the rake on the top tier , almost looks like it's defying gravity. Always found the grounds with tiers stacked on top rather than above and behind fascinating , loftus road is another example that I would love to visit , think it would make for a cracking atmosphere.

  17. . For about 2 months after that, the guys in the office took turns walking her out to her car each night.

    Seems fairly obvious to me that the guys in the office all clubbed together to get a huge bunch of flowers sent from her 'stalker' so they could then take turns playing the chivalrous card while trying to fire into her on the way out to her car each night .

    Well played guys.
  18. My car insurance barely went up at all after I got 6 speeding points in one hour. But I've been careful as f**k ever since, so it makes sense. So would you recommend switching companies each year for whoever is cheapest when renewal comes up?
    Certainly pays to have a quick shop about , cheapest isn't always best tho , I rarely go for the absolute cheapest as it's usually some company that you've never heard of. Luckily the last few years the company I'm with have been pretty spot on with the renewals and anytime they've been a bit out a quick phone call has sorted it out .

  19. When did this loss leader nonsense start? It can't have been around for that long?

    As I mentioned earlier, the system works fine if you're on the ball with your finances but it just shafts anyone who's not (including plenty of vulnerable people).

    Could they not introduce legislation to say that the quote can't rise for a set number of years (unless there's a claim)? That way the companies would all have to offer a more responsible price.
    From what I gather it all stemmed from the advent of the online 'cheaper than anyone else f**k the companies you can ditch the middleman and do everything yourself' sites. Pretty much generates a race to the bottom and consumer expectation now is that they will just go online and knock hundreds off their expected price.

    It's difficult to give such a simple all encompassing rule given how insurance is actually worked out and given that each company are an individual business they are entitled to work out their ratings any way they like. For example there was one company I dealt with who would actually likely give a lower price the year after a claim is made. Sounds crazy right ?! But their take was that they had statistics to show that people who made a claim were far less likely to claim in the next year , and given insurance is an estimation of the likelihood of what will happen in the next year that actually makes sense.
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