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Everything posted by Matty-RCFC

  1. Not quite as bad as Foran, but then again Foran hadn’t had experience in the English Premiership...
  2. I can see the tartan one and the one that looks like Tetris being the two most popular. They might put the tartan sort of design on the front and then the block/fade thing on the back?
  3. Have a soft spot for Liam Fontaine considering he set up both of our goals in the League Cup Final.
  4. Is this our business done then? No word of anything on twitter or anywhere else.
  5. This, minus the “you’ll probably beat us midweek” bit, we’ll start the game after 80 minutes. By which time we’re already 2/3-0 down. Everything else spot on, nonetheless.
  6. Every pattern of play was the same today. Playing backwards until it got to the centre backs who would play about with it before hoafing it up to Curran (whom, as much I want to do well, is nowhere near up to scratch at the moment), he would lose the header and Rangers regain possession.
  7. Speaking to one of my mates who’s one of you lot, says the two boys that played a part in the goal, + the other boy on the bench, are coming out of one of the best development sides since the Ryan Christie Liam Polworth era.
  8. You’re obviously not a fond follower of the Ghanaian Premier Division.
  9. German winger been seen on STV News too. Goes by the name of Werfa Kinschit. Hopefully that sorts the Wing problem.
  10. I swear I started writing my post before I saw this. No nabs etc.
  11. Harry Souttar Young Stoke Centre Back. Only ever made 2 appearances for Dundee United before signing for Stoke (make of that what you will). Just a rumour I saw from a Stoke fan page on twitter. Don’t have a clue if there’s any truth in it or not.
  12. On that note, why was DKD not in the squad yesterday? Was he injured/suspended?
  13. Woahhh, settle down. This is Owen Coyle we’re talking about here.
  14. Not well done for putting your worst one on and costing us the game, nonetheless?
  15. • A target man • Backup centre half • Backup right back (incase of Naismith injury) • Not sure if we’ve sorted the wing problem or not with Eagles so maybe one more? I would’ve said another support striker but we already have enough with Lexi, Curran and Billy Mckay who are all capable, so nae point.
  16. Was anyone at todays game and would like to share how horrific it was?
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