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Everything posted by superandy_07

  1. That was jammy likes, unbelievable that it was Sammon and Telfer combined to save the day We are stinking btw
  2. That's the iOS app snuffed it after the latest iOS 14.2 update
  3. 50K votes to go in Georgia, Trump leads with 18K at the moment
  4. Looking forward to seeing Morrison against Foster
  5. Looking forward to seeing McMillan lining up against Gunnersaurus FC tonight
  6. Didn't realise Sky had picked this tie as the League 1 box office
  7. Wouldn't want that shift in the arse end of December
  8. This was just uploaded to YouTube, unbelievable scenes
  9. http://bettermeddle.org.uk/archive/match.php?season=1984&id=204&type=1 Not much use for the Clyde team but some more match details above
  10. Looking forward to watching this double act all season #ChuckleBrers
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