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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Qatar - Panama tomorrow should be vaguely interesting. Qatar are the currents Asian Cup champions and their entire squad comes from just 4 Qatari teams.
  2. He’s fed up hearing it just from Wednesday. Scotland’s been getting their pish for decades.
  3. The only thing FIFA are interested in is what country will hand out the most bribes.
  4. I was going to pick a diddies of the tournament but Foden wasn’t listed.
  5. Why are they blaming Boris? The racists put a racist in power. They absolutely won’t admit that at their core the English are a huge majority of right wing arseholes.
  6. Right wing bell end Andrew Neil should stick to subjects he knows about. Whatever that is.
  7. Absolutely tons of footage of racism in Gammonland tonight.
  8. The videos of England fans fighting is fantastic.
  9. Chiellini player of the tournament for me. What a player. Absolutely strolled it.
  10. Sit back and then try and nick one from a set piece after a ‘arry Kane dive.
  11. So diddy clubs will pay to see a B team? Maybe colt teams would work.
  12. Ultimately Brits were fine with the EU until the entire issue was angled towards right wing nationalism. That really engaged the English and *** alike.
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