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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Morning 12.00am - 12pm Afternoon 12.01pm - 5pm Evening 6pm - 12pm Night is whenever the sun is down and can be morning or evening.
  2. This was inevitable once Scotland got knocked out the Euros. It’s the same as the Atlantic league chat after the OF get beaten by some farmers in Europe.
  3. I can't believe that George Galloway is respected in England. What a place.
  4. Binance banned in Britain. They’re hammering crypto.
  5. At Eternity's Gate. 2018. Willem Defoe in a biography about the final years of Vincent van Gogh's life. Good if a little depressing. Dafoe’s best career performance.
  6. There will be a bigger police investigation to find out who set up the camera to film Hancock than there will be on Hancock’s massive corruption, and I think that’s what British values are really about.
  7. Those at that face. He’s gone full gammon hasn’t he?
  8. I also don’t think parents are the saviour of humanity because they squeezed out “ma two weans” who inevitably will be wee neds.
  9. The gammon are too busy ripping the head of it over our oary boat taking on the Russians in Crimea.
  10. The tartan army are a bunch of arseholes and have been for a longtime.
  11. People will look for any excuse to get a handout.
  12. Hancock should be fired and investigated for those dodgy contracts he handed out. He won’t and CON +5
  13. Klinsmann now being linked with Tottenham. Sheringham & Klinsmann was an elite level forward line Spurs had back in the day.
  14. https://youtube.com/shorts/YpSmKBMe3rw?feature=share Humans suck.
  15. So you’re saying the Tories are not in favour of the economy being opened?
  16. Black Death wouldn’t have scared Lee Burst but a vaccine for Black Death would have.
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