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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. If I ate all that pizza I’d have the shits. Korma or not.
  2. She’s clearly called the Ambulance first. What’s the difference between putting it on social media and calling concerned people?
  3. Lana Del Rey. I'd forgot how smokin' hot she is.
  4. He played the whole game like a spoiled brat in the huff. A fitting end.
  5. Talking about terrible AI I wasn't a fan of Saving Private Ryan either to be honest. WW2 films/TV shows which are just fleg waving US propaganda really grate on me. The Jerries are illustrated as cannon fodder and wander/stand about like zombies from a shite early 00s computer game. Bah!
  6. The first glimpse on it was with A.I. which was almost 20 years ago. Half the movie was great, half utter shite.
  7. Neil McCann not understanding the difference between a kickabout in a friendly and a Europa League game against good opposition: No wonder he was a terrible manager.
  8. Man City apparently want Joao Felix from Atletico. He's been disappointing in La Liga but he might do well in the Barclays.
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53665394 This woman doesn't come off well at all in this story. She's a lawyer yet couldn't fill in a basic screening form which very few people have issues with, and she's a lawyer who flies with EasyJet.
  10. Commando 1985 Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a mass murderer who is out to reclaim his kidnapped daughter. 35 years old and still brilliant. A genuine classic.
  11. Gerrard has done well in Europe but his biggest failing is bottling the cup games. He won't get near Celtic for the league. He probably is their best manager since Smith and will move to one of the bigger EFL Championship sides at the end of the season. After Celtic get 10IAR Rangers fans will be a ball of white hot rage and appoint Arlene Foster.
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-hampshire-53662400/face-mask-found-in-chicken-nugget-in-aldershot
  13. Is taking a shite outside someone' s house not the traditional way of saying hello on the east coast?
  14. At this stage with the Scottish national team we can't afford to turn anyone away.
  15. It's probably been last year since I've had alcohol. I'd really rather do something else than sit and drink.
  16. Global fan base is a classic. Takes me back to the time Rangers were going to glean a small fortune from the 5 million strong Rangers support in Asia. They died instead.
  17. Quite a contrast. Before - A lovely, quaint Mediterranean city. After - Paisley.
  18. Maybe just add the pepper. You don't want to over salt it.
  19. Maybe but Pukki scored 30 goals a season down there and was a joke up here.
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