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Everything posted by Binos

  1. I hear what you're saying But there is no way vulnerable groups account for 2 million of the population, surely
  2. Yes, but if we had vaccinated 100,000 of the actual most vulnerable it would statistically have almost eradicated the likelihood of deaths, which is the whole point Delaying the vaccination of those groups just prolongs everything
  3. Reality is most of them would not die or require hospital treatment, as is well trodden fact by now I think the vaccination programme is the wrong way round
  4. Should they not have been giving them to the people that were actually likely to die, ie octogenarians and shielding population
  5. Who are they giving the vaccine too Max projected deaths in Scotland was 50,000 at start of pandemic They have vaccinated 100,000 in Scotland already Who the f**k have they been giving to
  6. Time to dispatch the young team from Possil to get the Chinese hooked on heroin again. Last time we did the class rooms of Eton were behind it
  7. Not surprised he's off the pace He's barely been given any game time by lamps
  8. Yesterday reminds me of when Mark mcgeown snapped himself falling from about 8 foot onto frozen pitch new years day game v Clyde many moons ago
  9. Great play by Tierney Shocking defending by the big west brom centre half, who inexplicably didn't close him down allowing the shot
  10. He's literally never put his name forward for it any of the multiple times it become available during his period as a football manager
  11. c***s like giggs downed tools on him Don't think he was entirely to blame
  12. You keep hearing people saying, it's like a disaster movie, with the strain 2, etc Ie, as you say, since the second world war, life's been a bit of a cake walk and most people can't relate to anything bad happening (which pre ww2 was normal) without reference to a disaster movie
  13. He's not interested in ever managing Scotland, I believe
  14. The prem is now like hockey. Like getting a short corner in hockey best way to score Games in prem decided by who can dive best to get a pen from var
  15. Always wondered how this doesn't happen more often in American football, it's such a brutal sport
  16. Twitter is a sewer, as everyone knows
  17. Just seems a tad strange people don't recognise the name of an independent country, that's all. What's strange about it It was a geographical description I wasn't aware caused offence Anyway this is becoming very boring
  18. I wasn't aware it caused any issue or offence I grew up in a place with zero bigotry, these things weren't on the radar Local Celtic and rangers fans actually supported Scotland not Ireland and England Thankfully I have not had to trouble my mind a great deal with the pathetic goings-on
  19. Not from the west of Scotland So don't give a f**k about any of these pointless things Wasn't even aware of this further hang up May or may not use it again if I forget
  20. If he was Welsh, n Irish, southern Irish would already be well in the side
  21. More realistically Turnbull could Who would you drop If you never dropped anyone for form players no international team would ever change
  22. If he plays 3 games and scores 3 goals He's got no chance at the euros cause he wouldn't be established enough?
  23. Would you take dykes to the euros? If gauld plays in march and does well, he'll be about as established as dykes is now
  24. It's a good point though Few years back Fletcher was midfield general saviour when he'd barely played for man u Gilmour can't get out of u21s Similar, Armstrong can't get in team, when ever present top half prem Etc
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