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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I think that's pretty definitive stuff.
  2. My primary 2 age son isolating again. Second time since his return to school in late February. (And third since September). Getting a little bit beyond a joke now. When he returns again in 10 days there's nothing to stop it happening again. And again etc .. An age group who are A) not going to be receiving a vaccine, B) are only at a tiny risk of falling ill and C) supposedly almost unable to transmit. He had a test last night, which will no doubt return negative, yet is still stuck in the house 10 days again irrespective of the result. Think we need to get to the point (and soon) where, if contacted by Test & Protect, upon receipt of a negative test result you're allowed to go back about your business.
  3. I don't think it's ok for those who simply there isn't even the option of taking the vaccine to be shunned from football/events.
  4. Ethnic minorities are not taking the vaccine out of choice. Under 18s have no choice.
  5. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-people-with-headache-for-more-than-four-days-after-oxford-astrazeneca-jab-should-seek-medical-attention-says-uk-regulator-12249755 Doesn't sound good
  6. A big shift in tone from NS today. She got carried away! It was great to see and listen to. The LA travel restrictions being dumped wasn't something I seen coming (although I note given they were made law, come April 26th will that law be officially ended?). Think I'm right in saying small scale indoor and outdoor events can take place from 17th May. After such a positive afternoon, I've no wish to pick holes, and presumably details will be thrashed out between now and then, but that is open to all sorts of interpretation. Time will tell I guess.
  7. Hoping Ms Sturgeon gets out of bed on the right side this morning. She was crabbit as f**k at that last 'roadmap' a few weeks ago. Hope she can give us some cause for optimism.
  8. Nicola reverted to type shortly after him
  9. That chart needs the third booster / tweaked vaccine added
  10. https://news.sky.com/story/ireland-should-suspend-astrazeneca-vaccine-over-clotting-concerns-health-authority-says-12245626 Hmmm.....
  11. Leitch on the radio. Asked by a listener how many people in the UK under the age of 60 with no underlying health issues have died. Answer was "I don't know". Then qualified his not knowing with shite about Long Covid.
  12. Ah! Well the point remains that if Syngenta 'buy into' Grangemouth, there's a bit of an untapped market there.
  13. You might be right there. Saw a map of Europe yesterday (one of those where the darker the colour, the worse you're getting on) and Spain looked reasonable. Not heard any explanation / thinking why that would be though.
  14. It's almost as if vaccines make a difference, eh? Was thinking to myself maybe it's too simplistic, but I really don't think it is - the countries who are steaming on with their vaccinations seem to be faring a whole lot better than those that aren't (in the Western hemisphere)
  15. They could also do with incorporating Grangemouth in their name. Grangemouth must be the biggest town in Scotland to never had senior football (and only fleetingly junior) representation. The Falkirk Junior team from a few years back was always set to fail given their name. If Syngenta became Syngenta Grangemouth, they'd have half a chance of getting some of the locals behind them.
  16. Spent last night watching football, and missed this Linda Nails article. Excellent news on the whole, and good to hear a bit of positivty. Seems it's on the back of the transmission study results yesterday. Bit disconcerting though (although perhaps not surprising) that she doesn't think mass gatherings will be on the go. But then, define what a mass gathering is.....
  17. In fairness he said 'autumn' but didn't clarify which year.
  18. JL very hopefuly things will look better in the Autumn. I remember hearing things like that about Spring.
  19. I didn't say he didn't I heard him say that too !!! And I didn't say you didn't say that :-)
  20. He did also say that he really didn't expect the rise to continue for context. No - he speculated it may be a blip. Which of course it may. But he definetly said "we may need to re-think things"
  21. JL saying that if case numbers continue to rise we may need to re-think things. Thats scary to be honest - with that mindset re cases, how will we ever get out of this?
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