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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. They will. Kay Burley was interviewing Matt Hancock a couple of weeks ago talking about this. He said they'd look to ban travel to and from countries where the infection rate is high. She asked for an example and he said Brazil. Burley pressed for more examples (everyone watching knew she was looking for USA) but he refused. Couldn't bring himself to potentially upset Trump.
  2. The week we have in July was a holiday to Tunisia which only got cancelled this week. Now that there's a good prospect of my son going back to school full time in August, the last thing I want is to potentially jeopardise that. But on the other hand I also feel I owe him a decent break somewhere. The Highlands and Islands appeals but I wonder how welcome we'd be? Alton Towers and that kind of thing an option too, but I'm pretty hesitant about heading down to that basket case country too. As you say, ultimately our decision, but will take a bit of mulling over.
  3. So not through NS' doing summer trips to France, Spain and Greece (and Ireland?) are going to be fair game and quarantine free. I've got a weeks holiday in July, and there's flights from Scotland to Spain and France (and Ireland). It's been a rather rubbish year (particularly for my 5 year old son) and a summer holiday is tempting, but a fair chunk of me feels having got the numbers down to what they are in Scotland, it would be a tad irresponsible (although perfectly legal) to holiday abroad at this point in time. I was critical of NS for not easing the lockdown sooner, but fair enough she now has begun to. I'd hate to think that what's been achieved could be for nothing due to Scots filling planes up and bringing the virus back with them. What's the P&B opinion on trips abroad in July?
  4. We wont be getting anything lifted tomorrow, it's future indicative dates for some measures to be lifted she is providing, a heads up so to speak I realise that, but I did word my post clumsily. Indicative dates of what? Some aspects of phase 3 perhaps? NS tweeted yesterday about speeding things up 'with a fair wind'
  5. Just reflecting on that news today. Swinney took the nation by surprise with that one. The SG certainly do a far better job at keeping thing under wraps than their counterparts down south (That said, they clearly leak stories out down there in order to guage reaction before actually carrying them out). Which takes me on to tomorrow where it seems we'll be getting some more lockdown restrictions removed. Any guesses as to what that may be?
  6. I tend to think a 'second wave' is inevitable really. Or more accurately multiple flare ups, with localised lockdowns. The way we've lived for the past three months is entirely unsustainable, so managed localised flare ups will be the way to go when they occur. I can't imagine (I'm often wrong though!) a country going into a second full scale country wide lockdown. Time will tell
  7. Not anymore though (all being well) - unless there's something I'm missing?
  8. Delighted to see I was well wide of the mark with this!
  9. That won't wash. No excuse at all that.
  10. Posting on a football forum doesn't automatically make you an expert on everything. Source: I post on a football forum.
  11. Whit? He's from Belfast Uni. He wasn't some boy they'd dragged off the street. Jeezo...
  12. That'll be about it. He'll pad it out with ten minutes of waffle, but the nuts and bolts of it will be no change from where we are at the minute.
  13. Well like I said, I'm puzzled as to why he said what he said. But he did say that the results (as Jacksgranda says possibly premliminary results?) would be out "any day now".
  14. Most of the scientific evidence is inconclusive so far - even this one - it hasn't been completed yet. I've merely repeated what I saw on TV this morning and posted a link to a report on it from the Irish Times. I'm guessing you never saw the piece this morning, but chap mentioned several times that he didn't think that children were able to spread the virus. As I said, this allied with the Swiss study is of significance I'd have thought. You seem to be quite dismissive of it.
  15. Chap from Belfast University on Sky News this morning. They've been doing studies into children and Covid-19. Their results will be out "any day now", (they've been sent to a journal for publication) but he hinted several times that children don't spread it in the same way as adults. That allied with the fact they seemingly almost never suffer badly from it, should you would think have an enormous bearing on how we proceed with this. It should also be remebered that a Swiss study a couple of months ago found the same thing. Meanwhile Swinney will take the stage today and deliver meaningless drivel, and our kids will go back to school in August on a part time basis for an indefinite peroid of time. I can't find the story on Sky News, but the Irish Times are running it; https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/2020/06/23/news/queen-s-university-belfast-team-lead-major-trial-to-discover-children-s-immunity-to-coronavirus-1982144/ I should add I'm a little puzzled by the "results any day now" the man on Sky said, given the research is still on going. But say it he did.
  16. Meaningless drivel of course. He should be telling us what the numbers need to be at to get the kids in school full time. He won't.
  17. From BBC; In response to a follow up question from Mr Fraser, Benny Higgins outlines that almost 700,000 jobs may be under threat in Scotland. I was lampooned for a particularly gloomy forcecast I made several weeks ago. I was spot on. 700,000!! Thats basically everyone outside of public sector surely?
  18. Can't say I'm too bothered to see him go. But a little concerned that there's something going on in the background at United (no idea what). We seem to have let him go very easily
  19. It's in the same thread as the one about fucking our economy over leading to unemployment levels the likes of haven't been seen in decades.
  20. I agree with you on all fronts. I just wonder after the week they've had, stemming from Swinney's ridiculous comments last Sunday, maybe the penny might drop soon. Changing the 2M. rule at the same time as England would at long last show some desire to return to normal. I'm not holding my breath though.
  21. England to review the 2M. rule witihin days. Will we hear similar at today's briefing?
  22. If Boris Johnson came out with that he'd be getting (and rightly so) ridiculed from all and sundry. You breathe differently in a pub? f**k me....
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