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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I think it's irrelevant really. The longer we stay like this, the longer they go without having to make some meaningful decisions. I think the will and the desire to get back to normal at the soonest possiblity just isn't there. Going into lockdown was an easy decision - coming out of it is the hard part. There's Oliver Dowden talking about grassroots level sport from July and some fans back in stadiums in time for the new season down there. This might prove reckless, who knows. At least it's on the agenda down there. These things just aren't being spoken about here. And, to my mind, because the SG are afraid to make the big decisions necessary.
  2. Based on her track record so far I imagine she will. However, this may well be when she begins to feel a bit of a backlash to her (overly) safe and cautious plan. If we're seeing on TV England getting on with things and the rule reduced to 1M. and meanwhile we've barely edged forward at all, I reckon a lot of opinions will change.
  3. Aye, but let's face it, there's no danger of us doing that
  4. Here, I'm not saying it's right. I'm not even saying it's good. But I am saying (and I'm confident that I'm in the majority) that it's better than nothing. You are entitled to your viewpoint, if you prefer no crowd noise over crowd noise.
  5. The crowd noise being added, however artificial, is infinitely better than full monotony of hearing the players shouting for a pass from their teammates. I suspect, deep down you think the same yourself. You said the same last week, but here you are tuning in once again.
  6. To be fair the SFA are just as culpable here. Their efforts into this level of the game have been non existent. They were quick enough to lobby the government to let the Premier league sides train this week. From that level down though it's been pathetic (I give issueing a guideline to phase 1 grassroots football late yesterday, a full two weeks after going into phase 1). However, I don't disagree with the point you're making. I only hope that, what is essentially mass gatherings, pass without an increase in infections and can then be used as a means to get fans back at sport at all levels sooner rather than later.
  7. I'd be amazed if we were to manage that. The disease was rampant here, unlike NZ. We are next door to, with no border at all, to one of the globe's greatest Covid-19 hotspots. I'd be amazed if we were able to achieve the same as NZ any time this year really (maybe not even next year)
  8. You may or not be right on this one. But in any event there has to be some signicance to the 15th July date. A signicance that has not been explained to us
  9. Excellent post. Agreed on all fronts. It's interesting to note that there's more and more coming round to thinking along these lines. I also note that Nicola Sturgeon has triumphantly retweeted Glenn Campbell saying that Scotland has one of the lowest (possibly THE lowest) R rate of any of the UK nation's. She's right obviously that this is a good thing, but there'd be something wrong if we didn't!
  10. 1 - cause you said I was ignorant 2 - I readily accept that's a failing on my part, but I'd be certain I was in the majority. I find it odd that in a time of economic collapse, Fiona Hyslop hasn't been more prominent in these daily briefings. (again, maybe I've missed her). I've seen it mentioned here that the SNP doesn't have much 'strength in depth'. They have a high quality leader (although I question some of her judgements just now) but after her there's not much. Maybe that's why I, and most of those in Tesco tonight, haven't heard of Fiona Hyslop?
  11. Bollocks. I'm not for a second suggesting I'm some political expert. But tell you what, get yersel to Tesco tonight and ask everyone there "Who's the Scottish Business Secretary" and by and large you'll be met with blank faces. Guaranteed.
  12. Correct (again). I can't remember the last time I didn't vote SNP (couple of decades ago I'd guess). And despite all this, I'll probably do so at the next election. But I've still got enough about me to question what's going on here and not necessarily support the policies because of who they came from.
  13. Likewise. Galling in fact. Is there SNP business secretary type person. And if so, how come we never hear from him / her? Edit - There is. Fiona Hyslop. Speaks volumes I, and I'd bet many others, haven't heard of her.
  14. NS suggesting that the treasury should be extending the furlough scheme. And points to a 2 year scheme they have in France. I think she'd quite happily see us all sit on our ever expanding fat arses for years to come. (Would save her having to make any decisions I suppose)
  15. That's the nuts and bolts of it. At the outset, health was the priority and the economy could wait for another day. However, as time has progressed the health situation has improved and the economy has deteriorated badly. Now is the time to give the economy some help before it becomes every bit as bad a crisis as Covid-19 was at its peak.
  16. Absolutely. Leading from the front is not agenda.
  17. Bollocks It's undoubtedly better than the shitshow down south. But if it's as planned a strategy as you say, care to explain why some elements of phase 2 aren't going to go ahead? Seems like the plan is getting re-drawn at the very first hurdle
  18. Several times now she's said that phase 2 should go ahead. But always qualified it with 'in part' or 'most of'. There's obviously some bit(s) that aren't going to be happening. Beer gardens surely the most likely candidate (hope I'm wrong!), but if not, then what?
  19. Out kids go back the same time before England at that time of year every year, can't see that being an issue up here at all. I'm aware of that. After yesterday's backtrack, it's now by default that ours will go back several weeks before theirs. Considering the schools issue is the possibly the thorniest and most emotive of all, going by her track record I still can't imagine this would sit easy with NS. She'll probably be left with little choice, but in all this business, this will be one of very few aspects of coming out of lockdown that we'll take the lead on.
  20. Probably. The whole ethos of her policies seems to be to do roughly whatever England does, just a couple of weeks later. At present, due to the Tory backtrack, our schools are due to go back earlier than theirs. Can't imagine how that sits easy with her.
  21. Been obvious all week, 15 July it is. You wonder why that bit was included in Phase 2 to begin with?
  22. From BBC website, 'The first minister warns we may not be able to do everything in phase two, but she hopes that at least some easing will be possible.' Think we all know which bit isn't happening.
  23. No there's not. I noticed that myself. Is this an example of MSM fearmongering? I know the festival it refers to is in the US, but it hasn't stopped Sky News using the headline of "Covid surge in autumn"
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