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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. The "Weird Professor" tweeted this this morning didn't he? I see for missing out his input, you got an entirely different reaction on P&B than had you left Prof Sikora's name on it.
  2. Madness. We've had so many things to protest about in recent times, but never a jot. Now some in the UK do so in the middle of a pandemic, about something that didn't even happen here. On a sidenote, this should in theory result in a big spike in infections. Will be interesting to see, particularly were it not to. (Before I suffer the wrath of the P&B clique, I'd readily point out that I don't have any issues with the subject matter of their protests. Black Lives Do Matter)
  3. Seen the Wierd Professor's" latest one Turky boy? Hahaha!! Saying the government's quarantine plan is beginning to have holes appearing - WTF would he know! It gets better too - He says he wouldn't be surprised to see it quietly slip away! Haha Tell you what, you and the rest of P&B have been right dismissing the pish of this Tory twat!
  4. I've actually, ignorantly, missed most of the George Floyd story, such has my focus been on the pandemic. Weirdly (and I don't mean this to sound bad) but Covid-19 beginning to feature less in the news might help get the public back to some semblance of normality, and lessen the fear that people are so clearly feeling
  5. Today is the first day I can remember in months when the main story (George Floyd) in the news isn't a Covid-19 story
  6. I wonder if we'll see an uptick in infections (and tests carried out) now that's it's simply open to anyone displaying symptoms? And if we do what the public's (and SG's) reaction would be to that. I walk past a test centre near enough every day. Other than the first day, it's always been very quiet. A bit of me thought it would be busier today, but just as quiet as ever.
  7. Finding it difficult to dispute his rather gloomy tone. When you see the 'Grassroots' route back to football (Version 1) that's just been published by the SFA, they're certainly not hearing up for football in the near nor medium future. (But pushing for the Premier League to start 1st August at the same time)
  8. Interestingly SPFL are pitching their restart plan to the SG based us still being in phase 2 on 1 August. Not sure where that steer will have come from. I think it was we must be *at least* in phase 2
  9. Aye but P&B have decided we don't like the "Weird Professor", so anything he says is to be dismissed
  10. I said in this thread several weeks ago that we were looking at either A) getting the virus and popping your clogs or B) surviving but losing your job and thus income - probably leading to a global depression. Whilst I was perhaps being a little extreme, with a portion of my tongue wedged in my cheek, I note you (and some others) getting close to my opinion from earlier in the thread. An opinion I was largely ridiculed for.
  11. It would have been fantastic entertainment if it weren't so serious. As well as your three I liked; 1 - boasting about his knowledge on pandemics and how he'd written on it just last it year, yet sitting with a death toll of 35k 2 - being absolutely stumped when asked for his message to new Tory voters in Durham
  12. "Some of their beers are good" So we're in agreement then.
  13. Most other beers are better than Brewdog?? Not sure about that! I enjoyed Edinburgh Lager by Edinburgh Beer Factory (working my way through a case). Not tried anything else by them yet, but will do soon
  14. Scottish football seems determined to go down a route of banning any football below the premier League for the rest of the year. I remember prior to the actual proper lockdown several Northern Premier League matches went ahead, whilst almost every other game in the UK got cancelled. I'm hoping the same 'can do' attitude will still prevail for the coming season. I might need to nip down the A1 every weekend for my football fix.
  15. A lot of ire directed to Brewdog on this website. Any particular reason? (Apart from jealousy of their success)
  16. Yep. Don't think the powers that be have all of Scottish football's interests at heart. So long as the top end of the game is Ok seems the thinking. Along with this mysterious belief held by so many that the virus will disappear at midnight on 31st December
  17. To supply construction sites? Walls, roofs, kitchens, steel-work ????
  18. You're probably right. But isn't it the case as being merely the First Minister of Scotland, quite often she can only *advise* on a lot of things? (2014 to thank for to that ) Any decent minded employers in construction and manufacturing have been shut.
  19. There definitely will be. You're right with that. But building sites are required to be kept clean and tidy and have little manufactured products lying around on site that could present a hazard. There will be some gear on the sites ready to go up, but there won't be 3 weeks worth (at least there shouldn't be!)
  20. Nah, that's not right. NS explicitly said that unless you were involved in the fight against Covid-19 then you should close. Hence why factories are included in the lockdown exit document.
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