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Everything posted by BawWatchin

  1. Going by the way Aberdeen have "played". It would seem that they were terrified of a game breaking out.
  2. A pound spent in Glasgow is worth more than a pound spent in Liverpool... Or something.
  3. You seem concerned that Hibs may get something here.
  4. Disgruntled Rangers fans that turned to fishing when their club died?
  5. God reaching out the hand. He knows he isn't worthy enough.
  6. Now now, with such misguided emotionally motivated violence, there are no winners. So here's hoping it happens.
  7. All started from a freekick given against Doidge that never was when he won it down the other end.
  8. You can smell the fear from the weegie punditry. The Hibs are coming for you.
  9. Notice how nobody is interested when you present factual information? Female Marxism has got to them good.
  10. No. I said women are just as discriminatory as men. I never said it didn't work in my favour. No, they're just ashamed of their own masculinity. They think if they're nice enough to a woman, she'll have sex with them. Then they're left wondering why yet another woman friend zoned them while she's banging a series of complete douche bags.
  11. You'd be surprised at how much women go for men who can actually grow facial hair like nature intended. Compared to the modern batch of 'lesser' males.
  12. The idea that it's perfectly natural for discrimination to exist outwith the work force, but can somehow be eradicated within the work force is laughable. You're all living in an idealistic bubble. Not the real world.
  13. You're completely missing the point. We're wired to discriminate, regardless of the situation. Sometimes a less experienced woman will get the job over a more experienced man, because the male employer just so happens to have the hots for the female. Discrimination occurs in all sorts of situations and forms against everybody everyday. We're biologically wired to discriminate and you're no more above it than anybody else.
  14. Everybody is discriminated against in one way or another. It doesn't just apply to gender. It also doesn't just apply to men discriminating women. Women are clearly very discriminatory themselves towards men. Especially when it comes to finding potential mating partners. All human beings discriminate and nothing written on a piece of paper is going to change what we're naturally wired to do.
  15. Women already have the same opportunities as men. The same laws apply to women as they do to men. Feminists just want the same opportunities to come easier for women than they do for men.
  16. Which men are you referring to? Bit of a generalization to say that men do what they like. But people (man or woman) doing whatever they like within the confine's of the law are perfectly free to do so. The same laws apply to men and women, so there is nothing to prevent women doing what men do within the law. Although, statistically speaking, men on average serve up to 60% more jail time for breaking the same law, compared to what a woman would serve.
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