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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. If anyone has a car I recommend the farmers market at Winter Park on a saturday morning for a bit of more local experience. I also recommend 4Rivers Smokehouse bbq food for lunch! I know its big chain fast food but Chic-fil-a is excellent, as is Freddy’s steakburgers (just across from the outlets on idrive at the bottom).
  2. James Comey has tweeted that he will let the American people hear his story very soon. If thats not ominous ive no idea what is.
  3. Id abandon Indy if the UK became entirely federal with full veto on foreign policy, Scotland stayed in the UK and the tories disbanded.
  4. So this week, yet more businesses leaving the UK (unilever saying its not brexit but thats a good way to stop boycotts from the knuckledraggers). other businesses looking for large concessions and the UK government spending billions preparing for brexit, yet we can’t find the money to give kids hot meals in school, leave people waiting for days in hospital corridors and think its ok for people to work for free in trial shifts. Do people honestly honestly think removing the checks and balances the EU gives us and giving the tories free reign to do whatever they want. Its fucking scary that blue passports are enough to allow mutants to be happy at the absolute destruction of any decency from our government. If the SNP go for an indy ref and we’re defeated again we deserve it. f**k brexit, f**k the tories and f**k anyone who thinks this is a good move.
  5. Excited delirium. But until the full report is published etc thats only as much of a guess as the other theories. Anyway we are wildly drifting from the topic at hand.
  6. Is there any actual evidence that he was a) killed illegally or b) as a result of police racially profiling him? Id like to wait for the outcome of the investigation and any subsequent trial before I make that assertion.
  7. Hey i’m the first to admit that, i’ve just never bought into statistics around subjects like stop search and have more positive experiences than negative to skew my own opinion.
  8. I don’t mean any offence by it, I like edgy! I’m pretty economically and in most aspects of social policy left wing myself, just find myself more centrist on law and order, I guess however in my opinion if more was spent on diversionary and preventative measures then I’d have no need to form an opinion on the latter.
  9. I was only taking issue with one particular part as I didnt feel it was relevant to the discussion, but for the record this is my opinion on the other two points. I disagree with the fact that Football fans are picked on, I understand the vast majority are decent folks who just want to go to a game and have a ball, I suspect many cops know that too, in-fact my mate I alluded to earlier hates working at games and the last thing he wants to do is go and arrest people at them, I don’t know if its true but apparently it leads to their days off being cancelled to go to court. I can only go on what he tells me. There is a marked increase in crime during high profile games like the old firm etc, am I happy for a drunken arsehole getting the jail for singing sectarian songs, definitely, I don’t want to go to football and listen to that shite, do I think that cops can sometimes get it wrong damn right I do, but i think thats more indicative of individual people making an arse of it than an entire organisation. I took my mate and his nephew to a Scotland game and the mounted cops etc were all for taking photos and stuff with the wee man, again entirely not the experience or impression of them that some posters have, again perhaps thats down to their own conduct or an individual cop being shite at their job? Perhaps having 2 mates and a brother in law in the police skews my opinion but i’ve only had 1 negative experience with the police in 20 years of going to football (in Stranraer) we complained and got a letter of apology. Do I think they ‘pick on’ teenagers, well no. To give an example, a park was built beside my parents house and its seen a number of kids come into the park and drink and i’ve smelled cannabis etc being smoked as i’ve walked past too, that brought quite a lot of disorder and fighting and just general antisocial behaviour to their door, some of the drunk ones (who I presume were all still at school 14/15 year olds) would even chap my mums door and ask to use their toilet, giving her abuse when she said no. my parents asked via the local councillor for more attention in the area, that meant the next weekend cops came and my mum said they searched and took drink and stuff off them, this persisted for a few weeks until they stopped hanging about there at night. Conversely through my work with a local charity I was aware of some of the kids who were drinking at that park, had written a letter complaining about the cops ‘harassing them’ whilst being completely oblivious to the harassment they brought to the area. I think this is more down to the issue of parents who can’t accept that despite the fact little Farquhar goes to a good school doesnt mean he doesnt act like a little arse at times. Do I think this is replicated all over the country, yes. I’d prefer to see kids encouraged into diversionary activities, however (im sure this is where we politically agree) the tory austerity campaign has hurt our ability as a society to do that. Anyway I’ve digressed off the main point of the thread and im sure we won’t have changed each others minds but I wanted to express what I felt was a valid disagreement.
  10. Ok two issues here. The body accusing police scotland of institutional racism says that it needs to specifically recruit from bme communities and has failed to address this, despite the fact numbers of officers from these backgrounds has risen dramatically with the introduction of a proactive recruitment team three years ago and has seen some divisions improve bme recruitment upto 400%. The proactive recruitment team holds events all over the country specifically to attract bme people to join and gives them significantly more guidance through the recruitment process than any other applicants. My mate is a Scottish pakistani and a cop and i’ve had an significant insight into the process he undertook. Its also right that they undertake this work as the cops should reflect the society they serve, it breeds confidence. My mate helps out with their version of the fire cadets and that group has a very significant proportion of BME and other diverse groups in it, they did a bag pack for a charity I work with and I was impressed by the diversity of the group and the kids in general were great. Further 2 points, the academic you’ve quoted is a member of a labour think tank, a party which has sought to undermine the police at every turn and secondly you’ve quoted a paper which has a pretty clear agenda against the SNP and Police Scotland. I concede that stop search figures skew opinion, however quantitive data without context doesnt do enough to convince me that every police officer or even anything close to a majority of officers have a problem with racism. It may not be a perfect organisation and far from it, but throwing around accusations that 15,000 people are racists who pick on people because of their skin colour is a shameful generalisation.
  11. Sorry are you saying that Police officers in Scotland pick on people because of their skin colour? Do you even remotely have any evidence of this? I get that you’re the forums resident edgy left winger and tbh I like a lot of your well thought out posts but thats just a lot of crap.
  12. Would possibly explain why Alan hasnt been on here slagging the EOSL in a while.
  13. If anything I actively avoid using services from prominent leave voters, like xrw newspapers (sun/daily mail etc) and the likes of Wetherspoons bars.
  14. Some absolute headsgones on the junior forum with discussions about clubs joining the pyramid. One bonnyrigg fan making threats to others, quite mad. Talbot fans having heads gone’s all over the place on the bankies next season thread.
  15. Yet there is a need for a sex pram? The secret ingredient is Mint(er).
  16. Id take this more seriously if it started ‘Just sayin.....’
  17. Or private companies owned by Tory donors or members like G4S.
  18. I’m perfectly fine about it, in fact I genuinely hope it gave you a couple seconds of joy.
  19. You know I think you make your wee snidey posts out of some kind of narcissistic need to express feelings of superiority over others. I posted a fair observation about something I perceive to be contributory to feelings of bias, similar to when Team GB in the Olympics etc are regularly referred to as ‘England’ by commentators and media pundits. If you don’t agree then thats perfectly fine, but really is there any need to be so snidey about it?
  20. But if you think about it, if they really want to not push people towards indy they’d actually try and not act like condescending cnuts.
  21. It’s not blowing my mind, it’s just something I find to be distasteful, we are supposed to be equals in a union but they can’t even pretend...
  22. Yes that part is true, however even when its a tiny wee village somewhere they never feel the need to tell us its in England, just something i’ve noticed increasingly. Also the bad weather in Scotland wasn’t top of the national news however as soon as England was impacted and it eased off up here it’s all of a sudden the biggest story in town etc.
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