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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Dont delete the thread, it highlights exactly why the west region needs a split.
  2. You typed that with your fists didn’t you? That entire post is just made up of word suggestions from your phone.
  3. Gonnae slobber that in English? Ah sunday night p&b meltdowns are always fun.
  4. Aye, must be great to see your country determined to be fucked all ways by England eh? All that nasty wealth going down to those who are genetically programmed to make political decisions.
  5. In particular how is that ‘The only way to stay in the EU is vote no’ promise made by Cameron looking? How is the ‘Only way to protect Scottish Fisheries and Farming is to vote no argument’? ‘Only way to stop a hard border between UK constituent states is to vote no’ hows that working out? Good to see the pound and economy going strong.
  6. Police and Local Authority fines are different to the diddy parking ones from supermarkets etc. If you did it and dont have an excuse then suck it up and pay it because the ccj etc can impact your credit rating.
  7. Aye cos that no vote’s really working for us isn’t it?
  8. Alexandria. I think there were a couple junior teams, don’t know if Renton counted as junior or if Denny’s had a junior team too.
  9. No my worry now is that they will do a Steedman to you. Is the golden share thing still there to protect them from shafting you?
  10. Unfortunately thats the real issue isn’t it? Unscrupulous owners looking for a quick buck! I think the argument that the rock can’t be developed further is madness, I can see so much potential at that site. You’d easily get a sportscotland grant for a 3g pitch and could get funding to improve the floodlighting etc too.
  11. But hey it could also be a way to bring all those kids who run about Brucehill in old firm tops into the fold at Dumbarton and with additional 3g parks ensure that they get involved with youth teams instead of young teams thus negating the need for razor wire and sentries , helping Dumbarton get its next generation of young fan. Its shit to see so many kids in Dumbarton and Clydebank going to see the OF when you’ve got Dumbarton in cup finals and playing in the Championship and Clydebank on the verge of a return to senior football (albeit slowly), but I do think investment in facilities at grass roots level is the first step in combatting this!
  12. The SJFA shouldn’t be allowed to take the west region and implant it as the WOSL, the west region needs to split into those who wish to join the pyramid and those who dont. There are too many differing opinions and interests to find a workable alternative. You’ve already got Talbot fans talking about not accepting promotion, thus potentially blocking clubs from progressing etc, the EOSL would not allow the SJFA parity as that would create issues with the ESJFA and EOSL and they shouldn’t have to make concessions to suit someone turning up late to the party. Let those who wish to remain junior proudly do so (with the absolute best wishes of everyone involved) and those who wish to join the pyramid in the west break away. Allowing Johnstone and Robertson et al to get their hands on a new senior league would no doubt inject it with the ineptitude seen currently in the juniors. How can we trust nor expect them not to sabotage it with farcical measures like no fixture lists and clubs still playing league games in mid june when this is how they treat a level of football they supposedly hold dear to themselves?
  13. No but I do think a shared site would have been preferable to Youngs farm, however for me, Havoc would be my pick if i was a Dumbarton fan and staying at the rock wasn’t feasible. The can you imagine the traffic on Renton Road on a saturday for access to the ground, madness.
  14. 3G pitch provision in Clydebank is shocking, local youth teams having to play in Glasgow and Renfrewshire is appalling. Hopefully the new Holm Park venture will allow the 200 odd kids who play for Clydebanks academy every week to play within the town etc. I think if Dumbarton hadn’t done away with its entire youth structure there would be a very strong argument for similar investment, thats not a dig, just an observation that this development is for wider community use and the ‘stadium’ aspects like new terracing, pie huts, toilets and all the other parts will be funded by other means. As has been discussed both Clydebank and Yoker will be paying for their lets at the ground, which will be administered by a body where there are 2 bankies, 2 yoker and 2 council reps on it, so it’s not being taken out of council ownership and they will have considerable say on the running still and ultimately still own the ground. Also other non public body funds are required just to make that site safe, the council haven’t even given the clubs enough to put in new changing facilities, this hasn’t been handed on a plate to anyone there are guys who’ve worked tirelessly for over a decade for this and the investment isn’t really even getting them close to it. The allegations of favouritism around councillors is diminished somewhat when you see that the declining of planning permission for the stadium at goals was what put essentially the final nail in the coffin (albeit a very long drawn out process where the money was stolen by the Steedmans and spent on a soccer camp in the states) which resulted in the club being nomadic. Could it just be that we seem to elect a shower of numpties from both areas to serve on the council, you only have to meet some of them to realise that. I would have liked to see WDC approve the plans for Dumbarton. Looking at stadium funding options however, a grant from Sportscotland to get a 3g park down is doable as is raising funds for a smaller stand opposite and terracing behind the goals. A 550 seat stand costs around £250,000 (stadium solutions ltd Maidstone stand). That coupled with behind goals terracing (safe standing?) would be more than serviceable. Is that beyond the fundraising capacity of your trust/grants/ sponsors? The area at Dalmoak is a flood plain as well anyone knows in that area, I have little faith that the entire site would be safe from this regardless what measures were put in place. The bowling site would have been a good one had both Clydebank and Dumbarton had the foresight to work together on it, a groundshare with a few 3g parks would provide a better outcome, I understand the contamination argument, however I understand there are bigger contamination issues on the land that DFC plans to sell for housing..? Really hope Dumbarton get something sorted but tit for tat ‘Clydebank got this’ type stuff isn’t helpful, the council are shite for both towns. I’ve got a soft spot for Dumbarton and hope this sparks a fight to change the minds of Brabco and the council over what happens to the club in future.
  15. https://twitter.com/i/moments/978701971908648960 A group of vegans began protesting outside a restaurant in Toronto, the chef in reply decided to butcher a deer in front of them. Well done chef.
  16. The fact 300 people packed a pub to encourage that convinces me that if Aliens wiped us all out it wouldn’t be a great loss.
  17. Yes we can all make shoes from the leather on his belts when the pound crashes further!
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