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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. You get that it affects us with fixture disruption aye? But i mean i actually think its quite a decent idea, if they had a wee bit of imagination they’d offer it up to English/Welsh non league clubs on an away draw only basis…
  2. Is it time the sfa went out and got an experienced decent manager, a Klopp or someone in that calibre, pay him a decent wedge, i get there is ability difference between germany and us, but tactically there was a massive difference also, maybe someone who’s managed at the very highest level over a number of years. I get Vogts had the pedigree but he couldnt get the best of the team and imo we have quality in areas that an experienced manager could do more with.
  3. A 40 odd year old Craig Gordon would have put on a much better display than Gunn, pathetic. Porteous is a fanny. We have been absolutely embarrassed but hey we’ll do silly dances and all that shite. Once just once id love to see us play in a major tournament with a set of fucking baws (and thats before we’ve got nothing left to play for and its all the consolation stuff).
  4. Gotta be honest theres a few wosl players who’d do a better job than that first half…
  5. Feel like Bob needs to get to +3 to have a chance.
  6. Pinehurst is my bucket list course, spoke to the wife, shes always wanted to visit the Carolinas and thinking about going as part of a trip for our 40th’s in a few years, a stop at Pinehurst has been suggested and not knocked back, this is my absolute dream. Possibly gonna play some golf at Cabot Citrus Farm in Florida next month which has that ‘waste area’ feel/look similar to Pinehurst.
  7. Granted Bankies were without a ground and the clowns who tried to move us to Dublin etc got a lot of press, for the last couple of seasons we were actually pretty stable and at the time of scumdrie going bust we had a supporters led bid in to buy the team which more than met the asking price but was allegedly pipped to the post by a last minute bid that only just beat our own. Its a bit revisionist to say we were that kind of mess etc because financially im led to believe we turned a profit in our last season in the spfl.
  8. The one mention of Scotland in that is to boast about rejecting our right to self determination.
  9. Dont you need fans to have history worth bothering about? Its all very well throwing money (and they are) from millionaire backers at players and coaches and buying more drones than a ukrainian defence force base, but if you cant attract fans, people passionate about your club, in any measure, doesnt need to be thousands, but even just 10 actual fans, then no, its a pointless exercise that’s just a play thing for someone.
  10. Aye this will 100% be a total football based decision……..
  11. You’re just sad because you’re hearing the Diver rumours too arent you?
  12. 35 real ‘detail’ people whove listened to McDowall on that podcast and been really impressed with his plans…
  13. Lol i only know from doing the same!!
  14. Why do airdrie united have club 1924 when they died in 2002?
  15. Fair play to those brave guys who stepped off those landing craft knowing they’d likely be about to witness the most horrific sights and be in unspeakable danger. I have to say theres no way id fight in a war for the UK thats emerged.
  16. Do you honestly think the most far right government we’ve had and a party which had truss, braverman, kwarteng and badenoch in positions of influence with their views can be considered as going after the centre?
  17. Yes Airdrie are a real classy club. Calm down Helen Lovejoy.
  18. I truly truly believe some of the militant greens would quite happily see us never travel more than 15 minutes from our front door for anything.
  19. The circumstances of the Hampden goals will come out but its absolutely ridiculous to blame the police for it and you’ll understand that when it does and becomes apparent where the fault lies. As for pyro at Hampden, again searches at the turnstiles are supposed to be the role of the security staff. The only way pyro/sectarian singing and stuff like that stops in Scotland is a strict liability act which closes stands etc if disorder occurs and allows law abiding clubs to sell lager etc.
  20. Tbf thats a two way street and one im happy to join people on. its not tin pot, people just want different things for their clubs. Ive always said if people want to go back to the way things were or whatever then fine, but there just needs to be transparency about it instead of creeping coups. I love the football we play (besides February) and think had it not been for that spell we’d have gone up, but it wasnt to be, we’ll struggle next year to be dominant because we cant match the financial might of other clubs coming in. Just needs a compromise, if they play a round in late july and one mid august with competing clubs playing one extra midweek game then it would lead to far less madness in april/may.
  21. Had typed out a big long reply, but basically, see if its a return to the sjfa, could folks just be open about it so clubs can make their own decisions about their clubs? I mean it feels like basically most clubs want back to those days and see to be honest if they do then fine, i actually get why many have no interest in the pyramid system. There needs to be compromise on the sjfa cup especially with the fixture pile up, playing a couple rounds earlier would make it so much easier for all involved and avoid a pile up…
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