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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Mrs Carbon Rod going into hospital for induction tomorrow, very nervous but can’t wait to meet our wee guy!
  2. Hope Lidl pull out and they turn it into a halfway house.
  3. That controversial Irn Bru advert suggests its possible, as does the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary Junior.
  4. It actually comes under both WDC and Glasgow, however for council ward reasons it was historically used by Glasgow Council and WDC used Whitecrook, however its within both.
  5. Nah the Green day thing was solely the promoters fault, tried to use a half built stage no bigger than something you’d see at a xmas lights switch on in Bowling or something.
  6. Was a boy on here made a fortune off them in shares.
  7. Im sure they released the results of the ballot with about 17% in favour of remaining. I doubt they would allow any outside persons a seat on a trust owned board.
  8. Red rob, ok with Scotland being an afterthought, ok with barbaric tory policies like rape clause, atos assessments, austerity and bedroom tax, ok with foodbanks whilst we spunk millions bombing people in syria, ok with tory c***s like Boris Johnson and David Davies dragging us out of a union which actually benefits Scotland. Aye im alright jack. Forelock tugging pish.
  9. Theres a guy running in Detroit i think who actually plans to do this.
  10. Hang on he was the voice of reason in this crazy world.
  11. Theres a big difference between the negotiating with broadcasters, the police and other parties and one guy who just can’t be bothered following the rules.
  12. The fixtures fiasco in the west clearly shows the SJFA are incapable of administrating a league/region which would be clearly finished in order to allow for integration into the senior leagues. It is perfectly clear that they have no appetite to enforce their own constitution despite it only coming into play last year with very clear expectations laid out. So given all this how can they make a legitimate claim to be the best people to administrate over the base of the pyramid? If clubs want to remain junior let them, really, let them, im sure at a regional basis in Ayrshire, Fife, Tayside and Northern they will continue as normal and these seem to be the areas with the biggest opposition, so just keep it junior there and invite applications for a wosl system. I feel the best placed to take the lead would be teams like the Buffs, Troon and Maryhill etc who have the experience of running teams at various levels, with many having youth set ups and seem to be strong sensible voices on the matter. The eosl have said they will assist in the set up of the league and that would make it a pretty seamless process. That way junior football continues as is, no clubs are forced to apply for anything they don’t want to and the other clubs can decide amongst themselves the best way forward.
  13. It would probably look like bebo, which for the oldies on here was one of the original social media sites. You can have my love for the day Burnie.
  14. You obviously have your reasons for not posting, either on a club board or something like that and thats fair enough, its east for your opinion to be misconstrued as an official statement from your club so fair enough. Anyone getting worked up about red dots and green dots really needs to remember this is a f’n internet forum, people disagree and can express themselves however they want.
  15. Some aberdonian tight arse postie just took the minus offer on the chase, cuntery of the highest order.
  16. I think that might be more down to the fact it’s the only option available. I’m sure an actual boundary will be discussed between all parties. However it seems no one is actually putting together a west league currently...
  17. There is little evidence which backs up your posts are based in any semblance of consideration. The post I quoted you from was literally that which you accuse me of doing, cheap inconsiderate vitriolic point scoring. Look Isa, you don’t like the pyramid, you have a wee group here who agree. I like the idea of a pyramid, i’m completely happy to have a positive discussion/debate with you about it, but to do that you actually have to offer some kind of merit based argument for your own point of view rather than attempting to slander the opposition, which does little to encourage people to try to engage you constructively. If by responding in a sarcastic manner to your posts in the same manner I view some of your responses has upset you then i’m genuinely sorry to have upset you. Lets have a decent constructive non mud flinging debate then? In the spirit of this i’ve green dotted your post! Yours in friendship x
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