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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Twitter? Almost every male scottish football fan I know follows her and comments on every inane post in the desperate hope she’ll date them or something. Seems like a nice lassie but ffs the desperation is a bit much!
  2. Yep, its a contract to play football for a football club as an employee, no way would a challenge stand up in court unless there was a significant material change to the nature of that employment, there isn’t in this regard.
  3. For next season? Like 2018/2019? Surely theres not enough time to get that running?
  4. Offer them and EU citizens indefinite leave to remain in the event of Indy and you might get it across the line/piss off a few racists in the process, that would be a wondrous sight.
  5. If thats a case then I can see a breakaway WOSL, theres no way a E/W superleague should be in the pyramid, clubs in the East would basically have two inroads and clubs in the West (most populated area in Scotland) have 0.5 routes, that whole idea just reeks of TJ being desperate to keep his job.
  6. A LL west and east is the ideal solution, with the EOSL acting as the feeder league and a new WOSL acting in their area. Junior clubs should be able to stay junior if they wish and let those who want to go senior go. There needs to be 2 relegation places from league 2, in terms of sporting integrity a one place play off is a disgrace. Ideally I’d actually like to see an SPFL prem, Championship and league 1 merge and League 2 gets split amongst the LL/e/w and HL. That would be a far more sustainable pyramid, It would probably even allow more clubs to go full time and keep part time football affordable/manageable for players.
  7. If Bumgarner is on form that’ll be a good night!
  8. Think youve also got to look at the kind of production/private sector employment we have in Scotland also, we produce high value commodities and our output in terms of research and financial/service sector reassures me we can sustain high public sector employment. Scotland would be a very wealthy independent country, I dont think that’s something we particularly need to worry about.
  9. That was my car, i’ve still got the note! You’ll be hearing from my lawyers or if you want to sort it man to man, ruel street, bring yer maw.
  10. Yes but only as a teenager, really nice place.
  11. It will never change the fact that diet pepsi or pepsi max taste like what id imagine battery acid tastes like.
  12. Just as the sun guy seems to read this page, f**k the sun, scum, jft96.
  13. No, I mean they do a wonderful job with what they have already.
  14. What a spectacular idea Stevie, outstanding. Maybe get all your crayons together write it down in your best handwriting and send them a letter suggesting that?
  15. Ah f**k it lets just go for another ref, if we can’t beat these fuckers we deserve all we get.
  16. You cant have the West SJFA join the pyramid and the East and North not, there has to be a clear split, SJFA stay as it is and those who want to join the seniors do it.
  17. I think thats for the EOSL to work out, im sure a sensible decision will be reached. I do happen to think a WOSL will happen prior to this though, however its been a bit quiet on that front for a while.
  18. Yes but BSC werent leaving the junior game. Its basically impossible for CB to share with another junior club if they go to EOSL next year because of this. It’ll all come out in the wash.
  19. Nah, for Clydebank its very much a commitment to join the eosl, simply due to WDC fucking about over starting groundworks they would have no where to play as the SJFA are trying to stop them sharing with junior clubs. Its not as black and white as you make out.
  20. So despite the junior forever camp on here making points about travelling costs etc its now acceptable to have an East/West superleague at tier 6? Lol.
  21. Well thats the other thing, i dont think she’ll give it, ultimately that might be enough to swing it for some however.
  22. We’ve got to contend with referendum fatigue and lack of progress in the polls. Theres no real appetite for it outside the yes support which has stagnated. I agree with the principle of starting to frame the argument, making the case for it but having a referendum in March when the electorate will still be getting to grips with whatever Brexit deal we have is ill-advised. Wait til 2020, give us a chance to frame a better deal in terms of brexit post indy, coupled with sorting out the economic argument and we might actually have a chance. If we use the clusterfuck they negotiate ie CAP,CFP,single market access, irish sea border etc as part of our case for indy then it could be very positive, but thats why its got to be a longer term game. It’ll be worth it if we pick our moment and dont jump the gun too early, because if we do then it really will be fucked for decades.
  23. Ffs you’re like our sides version of glen minter. We wont win, we need to play the long game.
  24. You really aren’t the brightest eh? EU citizens will be allowed to remain so could get a vote post brexit. For someone flinging around so much abuse I really hope you don’t go out on the campaign trail as you’d put people off. You come on here and abuse people because they disagree with you on the timing of a referendum because it isnt a ‘free shot’ its a long game, it isnt going to happen any time soon, we won’t win in March. I know exactly what im talking about when it comes to this particular subject matter.
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