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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. I look at the vast wealth accumulated by the bookies and arrive at the assumption theres no real point gambling and spend my money on other things like Northern Rock shares! Those things are only gonna go up.
  2. I fully expected that response from you. Corbyn isnt a mild social democrat in the slightest, he’s an incompetent far left winger who will do nothing but hurt the country just as the Tories are doing currently. I’ll qualify my position re Corbyn, I feel uneasy with his economic policies such as quantitive easing and although I agree with him on things like entirely nationalising the NHS I believe his economic positions to be incompatible with the real world.
  3. I know this is gonna be highly unpopular amongst some on here, but id struggle to pick a preference between Theresa May as PM or Corbyn, they’re both utterly terrible horrible people and tragic at diplomacy, Corbyn looks as if he throws massive strops when he doesnt get his way and I can’t imagine him representing us well on the world stage, but then you’re left with the thought of Boris or Davis. Its just a fucking horrible position to be in, I hope those who voted no in 2014 feel bad (no doubt the mouth foaming right wingers dont).
  4. Go back and read the post, im not saying it will happen with the Tories in power, i’m suggesting it could happen if May is forced to resign and there is a GE. I don’t think Labour would win a GE just now anyway.
  5. Yes the european working time regs, statuatory mat/pat pay and workers rights enshrined in EU law has done nothing but hurt workers. Im all for giving more to workers, don’t necessarily think raising every businesses tax is the way to do it, It’d be far more effective to actually ensure companies paid tax here than raising that of those who do.
  6. Because I dont believe a hard left brexit will be any different to a hard right Brexit, both would be disastrous for the economy . I dont believe Corbyn could negotiate it any more effectively either (both parties are a disaster). Corbyn’s public position is if elected he will strive to maintain free market access, but privately quite widely reported as being indifferent to such, his proposals for higher business taxes dont really persuade me otherwise.
  7. The only worry I have about ministers resigning is that it could force May out, some could see that as a good thing but the prospect of Boris or Davis presiding over the country and Brexit is frightening. I’d also be deeply concerned if it let Corbyn into power (although the impotence of the Labour party is such this is unlikely) but the prospect of a labour hard left brexit is just as unappealing as the current hard right one.
  8. Ok lets dissect this, The Shard- owned by Qatar. Nessie- about as real as the likelihood of a good brexit deal, also token ‘jock’ inclusion. Alton Towers- broken failing theme park, bit like brexit. The spit fires pictured are Canadian. The steel plant is foreign owned and likely to suffer greatly from brexit. Finally, my absolute favourite the Angel of the North, an EU funded art installation. Yeh sums it up for me.
  9. Wish someone would impeach the c***s who respond to the c***s who respond to him.
  10. Im quite prepared to be one of the heroes who take part in this. It’ll take immense personal sacrifice but the end result will be worth it. Pumping the mrs for indy is certainly better than getting pumped by Westminster.
  11. Here's a tip: put a pinch of sage in your boots, and all day long a spicy scent is your reward
  12. Junior football will be well and truly saved. They’d be better keeping Scott Robertson on than that guy.
  13. Probably because if he does that I dont think he could afford the legal fees.
  14. I prefer to think of him as the Iraqi information minister. Mind that guy? He was a hoot!
  15. Crazy to think that Northern Ireland looks less likely to shite leaving the UK than Scotland.
  16. As long as clubs have the right to withdraw without penalty prior to the first round id not have any complaints.
  17. Its been discussed to death, TJ is either misinterpreting the rule that says you have to give a years notice to move junior region on purpose or he’s incapable of understanding written words, the jury is still out as to what is the correct answer.
  18. Oh god yes, there have been several clubs in recent years who’ve pulled this one.
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