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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. I sense a leadership challenge or no confidence vote.
  2. Another series win for the rays, this time the mets! ok so we wont make the playoffs but im liking our progress!!
  3. No i’d be annoyed too, tbf my kids won’t be allowed to have union jack anything.
  4. That post doesnt even make sense, why would people travel to London for a Jane Macdonald gig that happened in Glasgow? You’re not the brightest eh?
  5. Brain dead morons going to Glasgow for an event which is dated, entirely devoid of culture, with terrible costumes and an absolute insult to music which appeals to the lowest of the low. Anyway enough about tonights Jane Macdonald gig how was the Orange Walk?
  6. The army. In all seriousness they put members of the armed forces in as ushers.
  7. There were considerably more marchers at the Glasgow event. Whats even better about this is absolutely no arrests on the yes side of all these marches too.
  8. Doesnt the fact its already been shown the lengths the writers and creators went to make that program realistic demonstrates just how authentic it is? I’m sorry you feel the need to be abusive but I think you’ll find more folks agree with me than you. Just out of interest, what specifically do you find over the top? Rather than being really aggressive why not write out a few examples, frame a decent argument?
  9. I know? I was just expressing an opinion on the scene! Sorry I just like the wire [emoji851]
  10. Yes but it completely made the scene and was just the perfect dialogue for it. My FIL is a retired cop and actually thought the swearing added to the authenticity.
  11. Have you caddied for one of the writers? The police techniques from that era, internal politicking, characterisation of cops (in particular the excessive force, hard drinking, ineptitude of many officers, nepotism and womanising etc) is all entirely accurate. The portrayal of the gang members is also pretty accurate, given many were hired as extras on the set. Yes there was poetic licence of certain things but im pretty happy with the authenticity. Given many former Baltimore PD officers were consulted on these things and involved in providing stories for the writers to use im confident its pretty accurate. How many other police shows demonstrate the paperwork side of things? Given the recent case of the corrupt Baltimore cops I’d say it hit the spot pretty well.
  12. ‘Technology will be used’ oh Technology, why didnt you just say so, oh well if its Technology you’re using then thats fine, we thought you’d just be guessing. Yep i’d be happy signing up for vague unexplained ‘Technology’. Confidence restored get the blue passports out!
  13. Go to that restaurant where the veggies were protesting, the one where the guy started butchering animals infront of the protesters?
  14. Ulster Unionists are perceived to be slightly more progressive. The way it was explained to me is UUP are still a christian conservative party but the DUP are a christian conservative party somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan.
  15. So when people parade down the street in a desperate attempt to court attention controversy and promote bigoted views then we can only comment on it if we’re going to say nice things?lol. People who take part in these parades leave themselves open to criticism. Its a shame for the guys family he’s died but just because someone dies doesnt mean them taking part in what is essentially Scotland’s shame is beyond parody. Its very noble of you to defend the man’s honour and perhaps yes we should have more respect for the dead, so as soon as the orange lodge apologises to the families of the jewish people killed by the nazis after they awarded a family dressed up in Nazi clothing, or apologises to the family of every black person lynched by the KKK when they allowed people to wear their robes at events then I’ll be the first to join you demanding an apology for that guy.
  16. Yes its a huge pet hate of mine. If you cant busk with just your voice and instrument then gtf. I dont wanna be subjected to shitey George Ezra covers or Edfuckingsheeeren.
  17. Something to do with realising that we cant keep up with Russia and US nor do we have to. Its actually quite positive, perhaps we can now reduce military spending.
  18. I do like it to an extent, it makes it very easy to identify those best avoided.
  19. I like you, so i’ll forgive you for this. But *adopts Kanye tone* the wire is the most realistic and well written crime drama of all time.
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