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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. I dont like the sun but im happy with anything that hurts the labour party.
  2. Can people not confuse the fact that the argument here is the pyramid gives clubs a better platform for progression and offers increased financial incentives with an example of one club mismanaging its own finances?
  3. Factor in the ‘couple dozen’ was actually the result of a protest and its an even dafter statement.
  4. It was a Madden NFL tournament, pretty much the US version of someone going on a rampage whilst folk play Fifa.
  5. I always thought he was very respectful of Obama, especially at Republican events where people would be saying things like ‘he’s an arab’ or ‘i’m scared of Obama’ basically said in response, Obama is a decent man who I disagree with on a fundamental political level but nether the less is a good person. I’ve got a lot of respect for him taking the high ground.
  6. I’m not surprised but somewhat disappointed with the reaction to this especially on twitter. Im a seriously big supporter of Indy, but f**k me suggesting that this is an MI5 conspiracy etc is mental behaviour, maybe just sometimes people in public life can be c***s without tin foil hat stuff. Nicola Sturgeon is to be commended with her balanced statement. What we need is for the investigations to be allowed to reach a conclusion and act like adults who don’t throw toys out the pram everytime something they don’t like happens. Is it possible Alec is a sex pest, yes, is it possible hes been subject of a malicious complaint, yes, but how anyone can reach any conclusion just now is fucking mental behaviour.
  7. To my shame i’ve only just watched the first series of Alan Partridge on netflix, on the plus side I now understand much of the p&b chat that went over my head before.
  8. Anyone got any yeezy’s? Most of them are honking but the Calabassas (sic) ones look the business.
  9. We do a relatively ok job with council boundaries though so if it was along those lines i’d be alright with that, less chance for gerrymandering etc. Theres no way to really reflect the electorate other than PR and if that’s the case what do you do? Appoint a PR candidate to a constituency or region? Its a difficult one to get entirely spot on.
  10. Yes but in terms of electoral college votes and congressional districts it has significantly less. This is the balance of it, give every state (in the US)/county(uk) the same number of senators and continue to base the main larger house on population as is done in the commons/house of representatives. Pretty basic stuff but ensures places like London dont just overrule everywhere because of population density, which imo is only one factor in political representation.
  11. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there re the Liberals. The point about the house of Lords too, i think its a great idea to have a second chamber, but filling it with political donors, landed gentry and sky fairy botherers is unacceptable. Each constituency should elect an MP and a member of the second chamber, maybe a senator or whatever it should be titled. It should be encouraged that the candidate for this seat is someone say over the age of 45 with experience in business, academia, legal profession etc but not compulsory (I believe the academia/legal aspect would be beneficial for scrutiny of legislation) as perhaps they could instruct the services of these professions for advice etc also. Regardless there is scope for an effective second chamber which in line with the numbers in the Commons could be a good thing.
  12. Faslane and the surrounding millitary training area would be an ideal base for a Scottish Defence force.
  13. I consider being called an idiot by you the ultimate compliment.
  14. Id rather watch Aretha wither away in her coffin than be subjected to Runrig.
  15. Thats a zinger!! However im sure they’ll take solace in the circa £20k they’ll get this year for doing hee haw and playing in the Scottish Cup.
  16. They need to bring back Bill Oakley and Tim Long etc to do the movie, it could be amazing.
  17. Today Glasgow University announced a way to give instant charging to vehicles, essentially revolutionising the way vehicles can be fuelled with amazing potential. Wee snippet at the bottom, research funded by the European Research Council, money from the EU has funded what has potential to be one of the most important technological breakthroughs in transport in decades. On the other hand, blue passports.
  18. When you deliberately park further away from the shops so you dont get your car dinged etc (im talking there were 15 spaces clear where I was) and you come out the shop after 10 minutes and some p***k’s parked beside you. I dont like that.
  19. No its a big state in the South of the USA, bordered by Mexico to the South.
  20. So they shouldnt explain what happened to the people spending thousands on hospitality (or most importantly folks considering booking it for later on in the season) or their fans who come week in/out? If the LL is keen to attract people every week as an alternative to spfl clubs then when someone makes an arse of it the clubs have to distance themselves from farce or suffer guilt by association.
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