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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Is it hell, its directly hurting kelty to a sum of several thousand pounds, they are well within their rights to assure their support and sponsors that they did everything they could to fulfil the fixture as it might be the difference between these sponsors bothering to rebook. I trust the entire content of the statement is accurate? If so then whats the issue?
  2. My dad borrowed my 3d glasses for the pish poor live tv emmanuel in 3d. I was a big fan of janey cam and exotica erotica! I also seem to remember the short lived men and motors was no bad.
  3. Will they be replaced this season?
  4. I might not agree with Baxter on everything but he’s not a dick. tbf it’d seem there are far more reasonable folks telling the guy on twitter to have a word with himself.
  5. Yep most American chocolate is shite, gihardelli is quite good though.
  6. I agree, I get that some people with business backgrounds etc see the tories as a party which has traditionally been there for business and also get that some folks for some unclear reason are just quite into being british, each have their own reason, but I certainly think people like her are the ones we need to win over to win this indy ref next time and having that discussion is absolutely key. Whats really disruptive is those radical indy fannies being abusive to those ex tories who weren’t even in school when Thatcher was PM.
  7. Disappointing to see her getting some abuse in it, I thought she was particularly eloquent and despite rejecting the rabid far right nature of the Tory party she still got abuse from some dick with an ANL profile picture, don’t these folks realise that the only way we’re gonna win is to win over people like Ashley?
  8. I quite like the odd episode of ‘Forged in Fire’. Basically rednecks making knives which are tested by a martial arts guy who looks too happy. Its better than I describe it but hard to describe it better.
  9. BA are an absolute arsehole of an airline, their product is shite and they benefit from having more or less a monopoly on Heathrow, I prefer going to the states with Virgin, find they do the little things better, especially customer service wise, BA staff can be quite aloof as if you should be honoured they’re letting you on the plane, whereas Virgin and in the states airlines like Southwest etc actually have a bit more personality to them. Had some really negative experiences with BA and now actively go out my way to avoid flying with them Monkman’s story kinda makes my point.
  10. Ive just booked there, couldnt be bothered with the tickets line so bought wicked and school of rock tickets from the theatre box offices, maybe some deals online for some shows, think the Lion King is very popular.
  11. Phone customer services and see if they’ll delete that flight, or try and alter it on manage my booking.
  12. You dont get an open door in solitary confinement, its also not called solitary confinement in the UK. Also your hero Yaxley-lennon (Robinson is a stage name) claims to just be trying to highlight child sexual abuse, but doesnt criticise the several paedophiles active in his organisation, wonder why?
  13. Good luck guys! Think it’ll come good for Yoker.
  14. What were the inplay odds for the redsox before the 7th?
  15. Id let Edinburgh stay in the UK, annex it or something.
  16. Apparently you can’t get out of Springburn on Wednesday, got Petershill asking for a game in Ayrshire to be postponed because they can’t get in to get strips out despite having 3 days before the game to go and get them. Then if you even suggest that the traffic won’t be the autopocalypse you’re a liar lol. Petershill fans throwing toys right out the pram.
  17. We’ll he’s used to flinging about shitey ideas. The guy is the very definition of a scumbag and its a disgrace he’s out of prison. Hes a racist who incites hate.
  18. Yeh, we’re better off with British nationalism, Brexit and Prime Minister Rees-Mogg.
  19. So im right wing because I want Scotland to leave the UK so that I can vote for a left wing party to run it because I dislike the foisting of far right governments on Scottish people who didnt elect them? Furthermore im right wing because I dislike the media giving far right politicians more camera time than left wing ones thus normalising far right politics and demonising the left? I’m right wing because I reject the stance of the far right in removing Scotland from the European union (for what appears to be purely for right wing nationalist reasons) and thus becoming isolationist, when I actually want indy Scotland to be more internationalist and rejoin the EU? I’m not sure you’ve really thought out this argument? Also Pep could you please stop referring to everyone as ‘champ’ its a bit like one of those school sports days, not everyone can win so not everyone is a champ.
  20. I did see one which said ‘unlimited tasting’ but it turned out to be the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film ‘The never ending story’
  21. ‘Ive had practice counting sheep’ britnat cringe level exceeded.
  22. Yep totally agree, whilst the BNP/UKIP political capital has been limited its allowed the tories to shift hard right and still appear somewhat moderate thus normalising whats happening.
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