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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Im pretty skeptical of anything the UK government claims, but the circumstances around this make it pretty obvious. The fact other countries (including the Putin run USA) joined in the sanctions suggests this would have been widely known in the intel community. I dont think Putin gives a f**k, perhaps why there is only RT still pedalling the pish excuse, he’s sending a message that he can reach ‘traitors’ anywhere and that despite passage of time none of them are safe, think the message is pretty clear.
  2. Those guys are quite clearly Russian intelligence officers, nothing they’ve said makes sense, they were obviously on a recce the day before. Their story lacks any credibility, why if you’re on a holiday are you booking multiple return flights? Why in the tourist capital of the UK did they only visit one city on a weekend stay? Then there are the obvious mistakes and flaws in their reasons for returning to Salisbury the next day. Consecutive passport numbers on their own arent too alarming but given the circumstances suggest something state led. As for perfume bottles not being in luggage, I wouldnt expect that they brought the perfume in, simply put it in a diplomatic bag and bring it in via the embassy and do a hand off outside or leave it somewhere. The fact images seem to be circulating of the men with Putin also rings alarms, I had no idea the most powerful man on earth would meet with guys who sell vitamins at a low level, think about how hard direct access to Putin must have been in the last ten years. Nah the whole thing reeks of state action and anyone who doesnt see that needs to take the tin foil hat off.
  3. I point blank refuse to support any football team in the states which has SC at the end.
  4. We just arrived on Saturday, my wee guys first ever holiday was brilliant on the flight. Our first stop was wallgreens too! The only thing that worries me is some of the medication they sell in there isn’t considered safe in the UK, they sell Melatonin or something in kids medication which actually increases risk of SIDs, so gotta be careful with that, but on the whole the shop is amazing. We hit the new Walmart on route 192 and had a spree, kids wrangler jeans for £3 and bought a load of shite for the villa etc. I’d agree re the lyft and uber advice, rideshare’s really taken off. We need the car because of our villa location and my dad doesnt keep that great but on the whole if you’re in a hotel its not worth it, especially as Disney now seem to charge for parking? Disney springs is good eh? Glad you enjoyed.
  5. Birth of a Nation? Have you ever seen any footage from Birth of a Nation? To suggest there’s comparisons between someone showing Braveheart in a public forum and Birth of a Nation is absolute pish. You’re a good poster WB but that’s utter tosh mate.
  6. Id sincerely doubt that if it was up to the Met they’d actually want to continue the enquiry unless they were close to conclusion, I agree that its unfair on families in other cases who don’t happen to have access to the media and politicians. Looking back over the things which have come out as this has progressed I can’t believe the family haven’t been charged with some kind of child neglect at the very least! Brexit will absolutely f**k foreign police enquiries, many will say ‘well look at the money waster on the Mccann investigation’ and whilst I agree there have been many successful but less covered by the media joint investigations.
  7. No the funds were directly given by central government for purposes of that investigation, it was quite well publicised when the Met took over the enquiry because there was a similar outcry.
  8. Ideal, not wanting kicked out or anything, just think a song about saving a queen is a lot of shite and have issues with the ‘rebellious scots to crush’ part. Im sure if I got any grief i’d be able to express my thoughts properly. The star spangled banner gives me chills when performed properly.
  9. Has anyone ever sat during GSTQ? I’m going to the baseball in London next year, Yankees vs Red Sox and have been told they will do the US and UK anthem, i’ve no intention of standing for GSTQ, purely out of my republican ideals, I feel like i’ll get a bit of stick for it but really would be going against some very strongly held beliefs if I was to stand.
  10. No it really wouldn’t but again thats the media and politicians which are driving this.
  11. The point being its not money from a policing budget, it can’t be spent on anything other than that enquiry, its not like they’re going to say ‘Well we’ll wind down the Mccann enquiry and just spend the rest on new motors’, thats not how ring fenced funding works. I also gather that its politicians and media pressure ensuring this enquiry continues and not the police, I think its reasonable for the Met to say ‘we cant afford to run this enquiry within our annual budget so if you want it to continue you pay’ to the government. I do however completely agree with your point about the enquiry being a waste of time/money and that a dangerous precedent has been set, just feel your anger is misplaced.
  12. Pretty sure the funds for that investigation don’t come from the Met police budget so your point is a bit lost there. I do agree though that the investigation should stop as they don’t keep others on this long. I can’t help but think they do perhaps have some kind of positive line of enquiry as the investigation has been allowed to go on this long, I wouldn’t be surprised if a case against the parents happened in the next few years.
  13. People on singing/talent shows or much to my dislike cooking competitions who feel the need to ‘cry’ and talk about how much this means to them every second. I used to love watching the Australian version of masterchef but it’s become an absolute mockery of itself with folk reduced to tears because their chocolate mouse hasn’t set properly etc. Fucking really grinds my gears.
  14. Thing is Banana im not outside someones house shouting in Childrens faces. It’s fine to believe someone has utterly evil policies and I can express this and articulate an argument without resorting to the tactics employed by the anarchist chap at JRM.If think denying abortion rights to victims of rape is not the act of a monster then thats up to you, im quite happy with my point. Please dont feel the need to ‘fix’ any of my posts, when I need the assistance of the forum’s resident fuckwit i’ll be sure to ask for it then.
  15. Texas gun culture is absolutely mental, I think it goes hand in hand with the culture. The female cop appears to be lying through her teeth. My money is on her getting pumped off the victim, him not wanting any more of her and her going a bit bunny boiler as a result. She has the madness in her eyes.
  16. Basically the same sort of self destructive shite which many left ‘personalities’ have been trying for a while. Its absolutely not those kids fault their father is a monster and they’ll no doubt be getting a tough enough time of being the children of evil incarnate at school. All acts like this serve to do is allow the hardline right folks to look like they are hard done to, illicit public support (because lets face it the electorate are arseholes who’d rather watch celebrity big brother than read/discuss/engage in anything political) and in turn eventually bring such politics to the mainstream.
  17. Convicted criminals should be allowed to join political parties, but one would question the suitability of someone involved in child sexual offences being allowed to take a very active part in a political party. I understand that this would render a large number of tories unable to take part in politics, so perhaps this is a good thing.
  18. We had an issue in the flat we used to live in with speirs gumley, they put out a letter saying that all of the flats in the development required new facing/roughcast not sure what the term is, but basically this was following a complaint from a resident that the blocks looked dated and could do with a refurb. I replied that I wasn’t interested as my particular block had no such issue and I felt it was unnecessary (ultimately we had planned to put the flat on the market too). A couple other folk similarly objected as our share would be a couple thousand (from a block of 6). Further to that we had just got married so were absolutely skint and our savings were for a deposit for a house. Speirs gumley then replied saying ‘we note your objection however we’ve sent the contractor round and it now looks as though moisture could get in behind a couple of cracks so it’s now a necessary repair and you have to pay for it as a majority of the block has agreed to it. They demanded the full amount within 2 months and refused to be flexible with a payment plan or offer any alternative. I demanded to see the individual quotes and asked what their ‘fee’ for this work was, they admitted they stood to make money from the repair but refused to tell me how much. Sadly the other neighbours were old tory b*****ds who would believe every letter they received telling them anything so we basically had to stump up the money meaning we were stuck there longer and could do nothing about it. They charged a factors fee of around £80 per month (despite providing a shitty service) and I had found an alternative factor which would do it cheaper for the same services (cleaning the close, buildings cover and grass cutting a communal area) but the auld yins werent for it. I learned two lessons from this, old people are unchanging arseholes of the highest order who seem unwilling to question anything from someone in a perceived position of authority and that speirs gumley are a shower of robbing b*****ds. I take solace that when we moved to our new build I was able to have a say in deciding who our factor would be and that when we moved the people who bought the house had really young screaming kids who would no doubt disturb the auld fuckers in the block. I hope you get it sorted out with your factor, I’d suggest getting a consensus amongst your neighbours as to a quote from your own roofer and to request the full details of the quotes they sought.
  19. Rays creeping up the standings with an outside wildcard chance, benefiting from Mariners loss of form. Gonna be an interesting september!
  20. Im pretty sure the rules are that they have to provide an alternative flight with a competitor?
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