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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. The sort of club which is so poorly run it doesn't consider the possibility of relegation is the sort which will find themselves surpassed by the well-run clubs currently farther down the pyramid. You sound like someone who is just parroting amateurish business advice. Businesses consider many possibilities, they develop strategies which they sensitise and they of course evolve. But they don’t develop detailed plans for every possible outcome - they adapt as circumstances change and matters develop. You don’t have unlimited management resources to scope out every twist and turn. Possibilities are possibilities - but few clubs extensively prioritise planning for relegation if they have any ambition at all until circumstances point in that direction.
  2. Well a smart move would be that if the pyramid review produces nothing as regards the Tier 4 entry then the LL clubs should be compensated by the SFA in terms of some commitment as regards funding ongoing prize money - they after all agreed B teams to help the football authorities - fully agree that LL needs opened up to ensure that the best sides in Lowlands end up in Tier 5 as soon as reasonably possible. That makes for bigger crowds, more sponsorship and a more vibrant and important competition
  3. Any club that doesn't have plans for the possibility of relegation deserves relegation. A lot of tosh
  4. Folk keep saying this and it just isn’t a compelling argument - most Clubs in L2 don’t spend much time thinking about being in the Lowland League. That argument isn’t and hasn’t persuaded any L1/2 clubs. Are clubs in the Lowland League agitating for 2 or 3 clubs to be auto promoted from Tier 6 which would give them an easier route back?
  5. It doesn’t have any high ground - there was no promotion to the SPFL but a bargain was struck and you now have the promotion opportunity that never existed before - several LL clubs have now been promoted. You ask for compromise from L2 but that surely involves both sides giving and gaining something. L2 are being offered nothing to concede automatic promotion - thus it is more a demand than a compromise - no way to negotiate. I can’t recall a formal automatic promotion ever being put to L2 clubs despite you saying LL clubs have been active on this for many years - unless accompanied by the perceived B team poison pill. Extending promotion and relegation at foot of LL is an entirely different matter - resisting it though reveals a pyramid that is fractured, self interest and a lack of leadership and vision. It is not a trade off for concessions from L2 nor did a pyramid review being set up without any discussion with L2 win friends and influence people in that vital voting constituency. Those aren’t winning hands
  6. We all know what the status quo is and that is an existing negotiated agreement. Now if the pyramid negotiating stance is we want automatic promotion (ie an improved deal) what do L2 clubs get in return - they are being offered nothing if that’s the only aspect of the deal. So no reason for them to agree - the it will make easier to bounce back line is hardly compelling as that has always been the case and has not gained any traction. Or is it envisaged that the B team scenario will get big hitters supporting change - but only to be scuppered by the vote.
  7. But it’s the Lowland League clubs that want change - L2 clubs aren’t agitating for change. So they can sit tight. Meantime if LL doesn’t change they can’t claim any high ground and pressure is on from the leagues below which will see disharmony in the pyramid from Tier 5 down rather than a United front - thus much time will be wasted on that battle. Old rivalries and infighting between east, west, juniors, etc won’t help reach a consensus or be part of a healthy pyramid
  8. There is no incentive for them to vote for auto relegation - they get no increased promotion opportunity at top of the league. They might be persuaded to vote for an increased league size with no splits but that would need funded by the SPFL (or SFA) in terms of prize money without any deduction from existing L2 prize money - plus have no B teams plus there would need to be consideration of how that impacts on SPFL voting structure. On a personal note and I have always been consistent on this - the LL should be expanded to 18 teams or 20 (plus play almost all its league games on a Saturday in priority to all these cups) with no B teams and have at least 2 up 2 down as a prerequisite for SPFL2 looking at this issue
  9. Extra Cups and less league games and/or splits will not get much traction with the spfl lower league clubs
  10. Most fans approve of the Premiership split. The only dissenters are dullards who can't get their head around "but the team in seventh can have more points than the team in sixth!" L2 clubs sell hospitality and match sponsorships up front for the season and don’t want unknown venues and dates introduced to their core match programme. Nor do they want the Lowland League style programme filled with midweek league games - another economic downer
  11. L2 clubs don’t want a split - who on earth thinks splits are a positive feature of a league.
  12. I would be happy with a 18/20 team Lowland League with 2 up 2 down plus even an additional play off for 3 up 3 down. The SPFL position is completely different - 10/12 team leagues you will only at best have one up one down plus a play off - that is the SPFL model. 16 teams in L2 doesn’t work as only 15 home games thus loss in income for clubs who presently have 18. Then 16/20 clubs in L2 where is prize money sourced for additional clubs? How does 16/20 in L2 impact on SPFL voting structure.
  13. It’s a 30% reduction in the overall budget not just the wages of big earners - not every player would be paid at the rates of the higher earners
  14. Some thoughts re Facebook comments mainly. Replace Board with interim management committee - who will serve on this committee and ensure continuity of funding? A new owner - who, what are they bringing to the party? Just nebulously Calling for change is not delivering change - board not at all averse to change but there needs to be substance to that not rhetoric. Kelty Hearts situation has little or no relevance to Cowden’s problems. Good luck to Kelty
  15. Council own Stirling stadium, Council own Kelty stadium
  16. Re bringing on 5 players - think it was actually 4 - surely that made sense? 3-0 down with guys already having had 5 gruelling fixtures and with some carrying injuries. The game is lost. So you put on a lot of fresh legs and at least let some get a bit of rest - you also get to see what the trialists might offer
  17. Cowdenbeath’s budget will be larger than a number of their rivals in terms of income but it is also the same on the cost side. For example they pay a rent to owners which they have flagged they wish to substantially increase, they pay over £20k for utilities (all the cost for stadium), they insure the stadium, they don’t have a plastic pitch so have to spend on groundsman and pitch plus cope with car damage, cleaner costs for the building, stadium repairs, etc. Some clubs just rent a stadium for a few hundred quid on a matchday with next to none of those costs. Then you had big wage spend last year plus pay off managerial team and spend more on players in January. Zoe who raised £15k a year is sadly no longer with us all this has a knock on to 2022/23. So it’s not all just roses re play off, league cup and parachute - plus most of that is gone in all likelihood next season if like Brechin, Berwick and The Shire you don’t just bounce back up
  18. Bear in mind too that the League Cup is problematic for many part time clubs as it kicks off the season very quickly after a short close season and you can’t field any trialists only signed players.
  19. That makes no sense - why would he depart after we beat the Pars?
  20. The decision the last time was the most sensible and appropriate course
  21. Well you are as they aren’t drawn against each other
  22. It’s interesting to see what is spouted about L1/2 clubs - who have never to my recollection been asked to consider any reconstruction linked to the pyramid without colts/B teams being the main driving force behind the initiative. They have consistently said no to that aspect. Then you get the claim that they act en bloc - when in reality L2 clubs have managed to put their differences aside to try and reach a consensus on most matters which involves give and take. What is the pyramid view of full time clubs like Dunfermline and Falkirk; of the clubs who have come up such as FCE, Kelty, Bonnyrigg; Angus clubs; supporter controlled/influenced clubs, etc? They are not homogenous but colts/b teams being forced on them along with cash incentives hasn’t been well received in the past
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