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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. So you then I assume thought there was a clever master plan whilst I was at a number of meetings and seminars involving BoS in late 90s where they described their views of funding Scottish football which I and my colleagues thought were laughable and were in cloud cuckoo land
  2. More worth in compiling that than in any composition you have yet posted on here - you were the guy I recall who thought hubris was the absolute opposite of what it really is!
  3. Yes but it was long patently obvious it was a financial disaster but folks just turned a blind eye for some reason.
  4. Is it you that can't understand that - everybody else already grasps that Dunfermline has a much bigger budget - so what!
  5. Yes and we agreed to this after consulting with the appropriate authorities including the refereeing officials. It was agreed we could wear one of our existing blue or red tops - can't off the top of my head recall which but think it was the Blue one which it was felt would be acceptable from a refereeing perspective with shorts and socks being selected to minimise any clash. There was a debate about registering a third kit but don't think we will go down that route. Dunfermline and Cowdenbeath have communicated closely on this.
  6. Yes the trade off for Dunfermline is to keep him and hopefully greatly increase your promotion chances (more than £50k say would). Unlikely that anyone will pay a big fee when they know that at end of season he can be signed for nothing without any need to pay a fee or compensation or a development fee.
  7. Won't he be a free agent at the end of the season and can sign for anyone then with no compensation or fee as his 23rd birthday is during this season?
  8. Yes - 3 of that team now with Premiership clubs and 2 with championship sides
  9. Yes in your Gran's scheme it might indeed rank as incredible
  10. Why? Are Kelty Hearts going to turn senior and join the Fife FA?
  11. Hemmings is all about pace and power and is a great clean striker of a shot. He isn't a target man or great at link up play. Effective in a counter attacking approach not so good when up against a massed defence getting behind the ball. That's why he didn't do anything at Rangers with their pedestrian passing game against teams getting players back behind the ball. Barnsley - he was injured at start of season and never got established as they had a lot of competition for striking role, Good counterpoint to Greg Stewart.
  12. Dunfermline are the other finalists
  13. Final for 2014/15 expected to take place this month Draw for 2015/16 - Prelim Rd - Burntisland Shipyard v Raith Rovers Semi Finals - Burntisland Shipyard or Raith Rovers v Dunfermline & Cowdenbeath v East Fife
  14. Bit harsh wanting to punish Alloa as Neil Rankine has never been involved there!
  15. Isn't this an SFA hearing - it would be the SPFL not the SFA who could dock points surely?
  16. No 1) He's still under contract to Cowden until after the play offs. 2) It's after the transfer deadline so you can't sign any players to play in play offs.
  17. But if court says Nixon is due his money why wouldn't the other wealthy directors in extremis fund the repayment? Surely that is the lesser of two evils given how much they have invested in the club and the disaster that another administration would be for Livvy and potentially for them as existing investors
  18. So is it the intention to use Rangers cup money windfall to accelerate repayment of football debts?
  19. The following is the latest message from Cowdenbeath with Dunfermline fans to use the Chapel Street turnstiles. Administration of Dunfermline Athletic FC The club will rank as an unsecured creditor in the administration of Dunfermline Athletic FC for the sum of £4121. The administrator Bryan Jackson of BDO has now asked us to submit our claim. We are pleased to report that Dunfermline fans have sent in funds of around £600 to our club in order to help their club honour this debt. One fan indeed sent us a cheque for £500. Cowdenbeath FC much appreciates the actions of these Pars fans. In addition, with the assistance of our good friends at Dunfermline Jim Leishman and Kenny Arnott, if all goes to plan we will host some Pars fans at the match v Livingston with any gate money received via this initiative going towards meeting the outstanding debt. Jim and Kenny have both provided help to Cowdenbeath in the past. To be clear, the process is that Cowdenbeath FC will rank for the full sum due to the Administrator. The monies raised via these other avenues will be set off as security pro tem pending resolution of the claim. We anticipate that we will then only receive so many pence in the pound towards the outstanding debt due to CFC from the Administration process. Once that has concluded, we can apply these other funds to defray at least some of the loss. In a case where we actually were fully paid via the Administrator or ended up with more funds in total (unlikely as it may be) than are due to us then we would make arrangements to repay the Dunfermline supporters by some suitable means. Dunfermline fans should enter via the Chapel Street turnstiles so they can be separately accounted for. We of course are also due at East End Park shortly for what is Fife’s oldest derby fixture. Let’s see a strong Cowden support. Doubtless there will be a bit of banter but we have been fast friends and deadly rivals now for 128 years. Fans may sometimes sing that they hate the Pars but hey that’s just fitba. Fifers, especially those of us from mining stock here in Cowdenbeath, set great store in neeborliness.
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