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Everything posted by RockMusic

  1. Bone Machine and Break my Body are the pick for me on Surfer Rosa and I've always thought Distance = Rate x Time is an underrated gem on Trompe le Monde.
  2. Every one a gem, but I'll still go with Doolittle being the best album I've ever heard.
  3. Yes...but for me it's still an album, albeit probably a mini album ( which definitely were a thing - cheaper than standard LPs for marketing to the more skint end of the buying public). Maybe we should just refer to it as Pixies first release, then there's no argument.
  4. Still blindingly good live, though. Only time I was slightly disappointed was at the Kelvingrove Bandstand - nowhere near loud enough for them.
  5. World shut your mouth is an excellent shout.
  6. I think 8 tracks is on the lengthy side for an EP - 4,5 or 6 being the usual. Maybe this came about as their other records have plenty more tracks and it seems short by their standards??
  7. I've never heard anyone refer to it as anything other than their first album. Why would it not be a studio album? Was it recorded in a field??
  8. Hole - Pretty on the inside. A corker of a debut and still great listening to this day.
  9. Ha! I see you're so insecure about this that you gave me a red arrow. I take it the truth hurts? Don't take my word for it - check out the discography at the official Pixies website and see what comes up as their first album.
  10. Says who? What makes it not an album?
  11. Neil Oliver - that utter bellend from the Coast program - was an utter twat to some sweet old ladies in St.Monans in Fife. We were on holiday and our cottage was on the front road. We were outside getting ready to head out for the day and before I saw him I heard one of the sweet old dears say something like, " Hello Mr Oliver, are you filming here today?" The utter nob-end brushed her off with: " I'm on holiday" and walked straight past. Now, I, along with the entire country, couldn't stand him anyway but that was well out of order. I also saw him a couple of years later at the Kings Theatre before a panto and I can confirm that he didn't wash his hands after going to the bog. Minger!!
  12. Why would you be looking at her face? You tend to get a quick peek just before you get bagpiped
  13. Of course, so long as she didn't speak and wiped the smugness off her face.
  14. Victoria Corden - I have to switch over whenever she is on. Remarkable given the rack on her too - I mean, what you wouldn't do with those and a can of whipped cream. And I find the fact her and her husband appear to have the same voice a touch creepy.
  15. The New Yardbirds with singer Terry Reid produced by Mickie Most...
  16. There could be an entire thread dedicated to that possible outcome.
  17. And Terry Reid was very nearly their singer (Page's preferred choice) but Micky Most stopped it happening. It's impossible to imagine Zep without Plant but there's no denying Reid was excellent.
  18. Yes, great stuff. Nice "unpolished" production on it, giving it it's hard edge. Dazed and confused is excellent but I'm sure someone challenged Page to say he'd nicked it from him. Irrespective, it's a great piece of music.
  19. Good shout, though I tend to dismiss it as such because Zep 2 was so brilliant. But, yes, an excellent debut and a real game changer.
  20. Come on Pilgrim was their first. The pedantic among you might describe it as a mini-album but with 8 tracks it has more songs than some other bands albums. And it is definitely an album.
  21. Magazine - Real Life The Smiths - The Smiths Pink Floyd - The piper at the gates of dawn
  22. Surfer Rosa was Pixies second album.
  23. Amusing little verbal rammy in the stand tonight. Usually it's old Fraser that gets told to shut up.
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