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Posts posted by Pyramidic

  1. 18 hours ago, GNU_Linux said:

    The main issue for teams in the borders is that rugby is a much bigger deal in that part of the world (akin to how shinty beats out football in some parts of the Highlands + Argyll & Bute). That & players would seemingly rather player in the Border Amateur League with their mates vs commting to the travel that an EOS/LL team would entail despite it meaning playing at a higher level.

    Perhaps the position will change in a couple of years time when Ormiston, Hawick RA, Tweedmouth Rangers, Eyemouth Utd, Coldstream and Peebles Rovers may all be playing together in a regionalised Tier 8.  A Selkirk based football club might find such a competition more attractive than the Border Amateur League. However once a club has disbanded or dropped out of senior football it appears far from easy to reform/reconstitute and move back to senior (or junior for that matter) football - the Duns and Kelso clubs provide good examples.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ginaro said:

    I know where you are coming from - it's great for the new EOS clubs to be in the mainsteam football world - but Soccerway is just a database, not a betting website.

    You are quite right Ginaro, Soccerway is an online football database that many punters use to access data for placing their bets.



    Here are some more examples:









    Persian/Iranian site:



    French site:



    Turkish sites:




    Lots of languages:




    Also info in Transfermarkt.com




  3. 14 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

    The disbenefits disappear when the ERJFA is in the pyramid.

    In fact they will have the benefit of still being in the biggest non league cup competition.


    Even if the ERJFA gain access to the Pyramid there remain in my view many disbenefits for West Lothian and Fife clubs, including:

    - unbalanced nature of the Super League

    - geographical spread of clubs north of the Tay

    - cost of travel to Tayside

    - poor attendances

    - lack of local interest

    - low income generation

    - weak sponsorship opportunities

    - continued migration of players to EoSL

    - duplication of product

    - feeling of being left behind

    Many of these points are of course interrelated.

  4. The chap from Kelty Hearts last year did a very useful appraisal of the advantages of leaving the ERJFA and joining the EoSL.  Perhaps now would be a good time to outline the current benefits for West Lothian and Fife clubs (and a few from Angus maybe) leaving the ERJFA for the EoSL next season.

    At the same time I think it would be helpful if Kilbowie Benches outlines the disbenefits.

    This process might contribute in a small way to the difficult decision that some ERJFA clubs now face.

  5. I suppose there is nothing to stop West Lothian and Fife Junior clubs submitting "holding applications" to the EoSL in the next couple of months and then decide April and May if they really wish to move for 2019/20 season or put there applications on hold for a year (in Clydebank fashion).  Dundonald found the decision-making process quite difficult and it is understandable that West Lothian and Fife Junior clubs are going through similar soul searching given the lack of detail and clarity coming out from the SFA / SJFA / PWG.

    I would suggest that given the difficult circumstances that West Lothian and Fife Junior clubs face at the moment it is essential that they keep their options open and do not miss the EoSL deadline date of 31st March.

  6. Are we again seeing political motives and misinformation playing out behind the scenes where "self-interest" of one or more Junior party is over-riding the general interests of Junior clubs as a whole in making a seamless move into the Senior Non League Pyramid?  No guesses who is behind the current log-jam.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

    Given that the SJFA wanted no part of the pyramid before,there’s been a massive bit of give to agree to join the pyramid.

    Agreeing to change registrations,discipline etc are signs of give by the Juniors.

    Did the SJFA "give"?  I think not!  They have been forced into a corner by the migration of ERJFA clubs to the EOSL at the end of last season and by the "Pyramid support" vote. And sadly they still appear to be wriggling rather than fully embracing change.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

    If the LL have an idea of how they want to work it, then they should just chuck it into PWG discussions and go for it next season rather than wait another 18 months.

    The LL was set-up in a little over 6 weeks.

    Personally I'd like to see them go all-in and set-up a LL2 West and LL2 East, invite Licenced clubs to apply as a priority then allow non Licenced clubs a season to get one. It would cut the SJFA right out of the Pyramid at tier 6, which is probably a concern to current LL clubs who don't fancy falling into an SJFA administered league.

    Not sure that will happen though.


    If we follow this scenario - a one division LL2 for 2019/20.


    How many clubs would the EOSL be expected to lose for 2019/20 and what would be the impact for their league structure?   

    Would it be a "kick in the teeth" for a supportive league or would the clubs moving to LL2 simply be replaced by ERJFA clubs?

    How many clubs would move over to LL2 from the WRJFA and what would be the impact on their new pyramid?

    What would a LL2 look like for 2019/20 if it was quickly implemented?


    Generally I think that it is a geat concept but it will have "knock-on" implications down both sides of the pyramid - east and west (if it happens).

  9. The EOSL are going to have a very successful Groundhop Weekend at the end of March:

    Friday 29th March
    Dunipace v Bonnyrigg (8pm)

    Saturday 30th March
    Camelon v Edinburgh Utd (11am)
    Inverkeithing v Heriot-Watt Uni (2:15pm)
    Blackburn v Preston (5:15pm)
    Linlithgow v Jeanfield (8pm)

    Sunday 31st March
    Peebles v Newtongrange (12:30pm)

    There could be up to a thousand spectators for the Linlithgow v Jeanfield game if both teams have a chance of winning the Conference C final

    Why on earth are the Juniors not supporting the Groundhoppers?

    For clubs it is not only a money making exercise but a great way to put our clubs on the football map.

    The Hoppers may be bringing up to three coaches from England for the six game weekend and then there those coming up by car.  There will even be groundhoppers coming over from Germany



    I had a chat with a fellow groundhopper about this a while ago.  Apparently the meeting with West Region JFA reps was going quite well but then this old guy put a stop to things.  It does not take much to fathom out who the old guy must have been but why on earth would he put a stop to such an innovative change that involved permutation of fixtures over three days many months hence?

    The Groundhopper Rep could not understand what the problem was.  However, if he had known who he was dealing with and the stubborn resistance to any change and the problems the WRJFA  have had making advanced fixture permutations, the Rep would have known he was facing a battle that had no likelihood of a successful outcome.

    Kennie has certainly improved the fixture making this season. But I still feel that there is a firm resistance to any innovations of this nature in the West Region.  Am I wrong? 

    Does the West Region want their own Groundhop?  Or are we still sticking our head in the sand.

  10. This is great news and is just as I expected.  Linlithgow Rose in particular is a great attraction to English groundhoppers but there will be visitors coming from as far away as Germany.

    I wonder who might  have scuttled the chances of a West Region groundhop a few years ago?  Does anyone have any ideas?  SR?

    In contrast I think that HibeeJibee & Co have been absolutely brilliant promoting the EOSL  - "a breath of fresh air".

    Can someone change the year to 2019 in the thread title please.  It is very confusing and will mess up those that first locate the thread on Google.


  11. 43 minutes ago, Vollyman said:

    The SFA should get their act together talk about LL2,SPFL3 and now what seems to be a lack of clarity regarding licences and floodlight requirements.These issues do not offer much encouragement to clubs contemplating joining the pyramid system.

    No need contemplate joining the pyramid system - if we are to believe that all Junior Clubs/Leagues ARE NOW TO BE IN - the clubs certainly will be part of the SFA Pyramid next season.

    The big question for clubs like Armadale Thistle is what Tier do you expect to be joining at?

    Tier 9 - SJFA East Region Premier League South?

    Tier 8 - SJFA East Region Superleague?

    Tier 7 - East of Scotland League Conference ....?

    NB: You could be at Tier 10 if SPFL3 is delivered!

    What is the view at Armadale? In my opinion the sooner we are one happy family the better.

  12. Assuming the Juniors are part of the Pyramid for 2019/20 what will be the position if Champions of the SJFA West Region Premiership refuse to participate in the Play-offs or decline promotion to the Lowland League?

    Will promotion be made mandatory by the SFA? Will this still be the case if a Lowland League 2 is being created as mooted on the other thread?

    If the leading Junior clubs do not make their move to join the Lowland League over the next few months they could find themselves at Tier 7 in the pyramid if Lowland League 2 (Tier 6) becomes a reality.

    More to read at:


  13. 1 hour ago, Burnie_man said:

    It's a clever move, perhaps an indication that more than a few LL clubs were not happy at the prospect of dropping into leagues under the control of the SJFA should they be relegated, and who can blame them.    It kinda mirrors the National Leagues in England who look after both tier 5 and 6. It probably also allows them to relegate more clubs and put pressure on the SPFL to reciprocate.

    If the LL come to the PWG meeting on 14th November with a rough plan of what they want to do at tier 6, then it's going to be interesting to see how the SJFA react.

    Personally I hope LL2 splits West and East, in the East it's basically the EoS Premier by another name for which plans are already in place.  In  the West, if the SJFA do not want to co-operate then you open it up to applications, and as long as you have a dozen to start with it's a goer. I think most top West clubs would jump at it.


    If Dalkeith and Blackburn (with their licensing applications being lined up) decide to make headway as early applicants for LL2, will the 2 clubs yet again lead another stampede?  This time corralling the top clubs in the West as well as the East?

    If the original intention is to form say a 16 team LL2 and some 40 applications are generated won't there be a very strong temptation by the Lowland League management committee to go the "whole hog" for LL2 East and LL2 West?   The "Pyramid tale" is absolutely fascinating and who at this moment knows how the 2019/20 season is going to unfold? It may just be fiction at the moment but there is beginning to appear strong overtones of reality.

  14. 2 hours ago, Burnie_man said:
    On 03/11/2018 at 11:21, FairWeatherFan said:
    Yeah, you would of thought that this was the perfect opportunity for the SFA to have released that ready made statement announcing it's a done deal emoji4.png
    As for TJ he's basically repeating everything he said to the SJFA clubs back in his May email.
    " Discussion took place on how integration would work in terms of Registrations, Discipline and Fixture Lists in particular.  We were unable to resolve all the issues at the meeting however it was agreed that the SFA Board be appraised of the progress at their next meeting in June.  N.B. None of the issues raised appeared insurmountable. "

    Hurdles to overcome may also now include planning for LL2, what it will look like, criteria, and whether it will be in place for next season or the season after.

    If I recall correctly LL was set up in a very very short timescale. Why not LL2 over a similar period?  What would be the main hurdles in setting up LL2 for next season?  Other than TJ?

    Would there be any benefit in waiting for EOL Prem for 2019/20 and then transferring the WR Prem and EOL Prem to a new LL2W & LL2E for 2020/21? Or would it represent too many changes/instability over a short period.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

    It's clear that not everyone came out of the last PWG meeting with the same understanding of what was agreed, and this is worsened by the fact there's no minutes circulated in order for any inaccuracies to be highlighted, very amateurish.

    The whole process in my view appears to lack firm leadership , innovation and tact from the SFA. Personally I think that the Pyramid issue is too fraught with entrenched views to be delivered purely on the basis of consensus at the PWG. The Juniors are the ones seeking entry to the Pyramid and obviously they are the ones that will now need to "bend" to be accommodated. Not the EoSL. The SFA are heading "up **** creek" to think otherwise.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Robert James said:

    If the WoSL doesn't happen in 2019/20, will Clydebank (thereafter) become the 'Kelty of the West' once the redevelopment of Holm Park is completed ?

    The recent announcement of pyramid progress, was a step in the right direction, but the devil is in the detail, and it is November tomorrow.

    Can you tell us what the position is re Glasgow University and the pyramid Robert? Do they intend to join the WR, SoS or remain as they are?

    Would the University be prepared to start at Tier 9 in the WR?

  17. 2 hours ago, bluebell1 said:

    Clubs who potentially get relegated from lowland league at anytime go back to the league they were promoted from.  Hypothetically For example Kelty to eos and lochee to east region junior superleague.

    Geographic boundaries are being reveiewrd.

    Not rocket science to be fair.  

    I was at the meeting yes.  

    For me it’s fine we get on with the eos and the juniors stay intact within the pyramid.

    This season isn’t great as far as we’re concerned income is down from last years superleague but we expected that and am sure next season the newly formed eos 16 team league will be a good league.

    Am looking forward to it all getting revealed officially and we move on.

    Would be good from next season to have a cup competition across all clubs and hopefully that can be sorted as well.


    Thanks for the feedback.

    Was there any discussion on changes to the Licensing requirements and the implications for clubs like Dundonald Bluebell entering the Scottish Cup next season with Coldstream, Whitehill Welfare etc.?


    Will existing clubs like Coldstream have to meet tougher requirements?

    Will current Junior Clubs affiliated to the WRJFA and ERJFA be able to or encouraged to apply for a Licence?

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