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Posts posted by Pyramidic

  1. Has TJ informed Junior Clubs when the next meeting of the Pyramid Working Group will be held?

    I would have thought that it would have been of much greater importance than "Player looking for club".


    One of most important developments - the SFA Pyramid - in the history of Junior football and not a whisper on the Scottish Junior Football Association website.


    Manager Ross Gunnion had this to say when asked about the new season and the future ahead for the club.

    "Here we are at the beginning of another season, albeit it’s not just any other season!"

    "In my 7 years as player and manager at this club I’ve not encountered a pre-season that has held this much excitement and optimism."

    "We’ve called time on 90 years in the Junior game and embarked on a new chapter in the clubs history, one which now sees Jeanfield Swifts enter the Senior ranks in the East of Scotland League."

    "Pre-Season has went well, even if it’s been a little rushed given the earlier than usual season opener for us. We’ve welcomed 5 new signings to the team and all have settled in well."

    "But now the real action starts and I’m excited to see how our existing players have improved and how our new additions will perform against a top class team in Bo’ness Utd."

    "As a start it couldn’t have been much tougher, but that’s a mark of where we are as a club. We have worked incredibly hard to get ourselves to a level where we are on an equal footing with teams like Bo’ness, Linlithgow Rose and Bonnyrigg Rose. We forged ourselves into the best Junior Club in Perthshire and we are now faced with new challenges and promotion to the Lowland League as the target for the club."

    "We’ll visit old friends and also travel to new grounds and form new relationships."

    "I for one am incredibly excited by what this season and the future will hold. We hope all our fans and supporters will feel the same and we’ll be doing our utmost to repay that support with results."

    Updated 21:54 - 27 Jul 2018 by Scott Cummings


    All the best to Jeanfield Swifts in their move over from Junior football. Clubs in the West Region will be watching their development with interest.

  3. On 25/07/2018 at 18:25, Burnie_man said:

    It covered a lot of what was already on here, not sure why it would be deleted though.

    "Junior football, what is the future?" is a brilliant thread and one of my favourite memories will always be watching the dominoes fall one by one while on holiday in Cuba back in May.

    On the downside is that it is almost impossible to trawl back through 558 pages to identify a particular issue highlighted during the informed discussion.

    I started the "WoSFL Pyramid Deadline - SJFA or Club led" thread to cover the position in the West Region but I agree with BM that at times the new thread covered other issues already mentioned in the main thread.

    As the the OP for the WoSFL thread I can confirm that I did not delete the thread earlier in the week - nor did I receive any explanation for the deletion.

    My own view is that we were perhaps moving into territory that made the SJFA Executive feel highly uncomfortable with and that "noises" or "pressures" were made to P&B.

    However we all know that the issues raised will not be going away. Here we all are back on the main thread.

    NB: Is it possible BM to create a brief index at the beginning of the main thread? The way things are going it will not be so far away that we have 1,000 pages to trawl through.

  4. Just in case anyone forgets the " WoSFL Pyramid Deadline - SJFA or Club led? " thread -28 pages and 24,000 views before destruction. I for one have always believed in free speech and did not expect the sort of censorship we have just seen. However, killing an informative thread will not halt Pyramid progess.


    Does anyone know the deadline that is being set for the formation of the West Region Tier 6 Pyramid?

    Q1. Have the clubs given the the SJFA a clear official mandate (instructions of desired outcome) regarding the SJFA as whole becoming part of the Pyramid? And the West Region in particular?
    Response: A clear mandate has not been provided or explicit requirements for the West Region.

    Q2. Is the SJFA Management properly committed to the Pyramid or will we just see further evasive delays?
    Response: We will see over the coming months whether SJFA will achieve a successful outcome from their dialogue with the SFA/PWG to join the Pyramid.

    Q3.  Was a realistice deadline set at the SJFA West Region Annual General Meeting which will enable the West Region to retain control of the emerging WoSFL? Or will we lose control?
    Response: It has been confirmed that whilst the West AGM dealt with their re-organisation, there was no discussion on the Pyramid or the likelihood of a WoSFL being set-up over the next 12 months.

    Q4.  Can the SJFA Management (TJ) be trusted to broker a good deal for the West Region with the Pyramid Working Group / SFA within an agreed timescale?  Or should the West Region take over negotiations?
    Response: Time will tell.

    I would suggest that a firm deadline is set for 31st January 2019 for the formation of a West Region controlled WoSFL which will enable all WR clubs to transfer over to the Pyramid for 2019/20.

    If this deadline cannot be met by the above date then a Club led initiative should begin (in earnest) on 1st February 2019 with the support of the EoSFL.

  5. 1 hour ago, Burnie_man said:

    Now that all AGM’s are out of the way, has the Junior game dealt effectively with the elephant in the room? The answer in no.

    At the SJFA EGM, there was a vote simply to underline the desire to move into the Pyramid as a block of clubs, and as most observers know that this is exceptionally unlikely to happen. Why TJ thinks this is the best way to approach PWG discussions who knows.

    The East AGM dealt with re-organisation of the clubs that are left, probably in the knowledge that more will leave at the end of next season.

    The West AGM also dealt with their re-organisation, but with no chat on the Pyramid or the likelihood of a WoSFL being set-up over the next 12 months, not that this discussion was ever likely.

    The Regions seem happy to let TJ negotiate based on the vote at the EGM. As far as I can make out there is no plan B.  If the PWG reject the proposal to enter as a block – and it’s already been, given the issues in the East – then what happens next?

    A WoSFL will be set-up and interested clubs move over in time for season 2019/20, remaining interested clubs in the East below the HL/LL line move to the EoS, and the SJFA carry on as before with a much reduced membership, including the “Tayside rump” and the North Region  (unless the North replicate the West and set-up a NoSFL).

    It won’t be pretty, it will fracture the game in the West, but I just can’t see any smooth transfer into the Pyramid and over the next few seasons we’ll eventually see a strong WoS and EoS with some clubs having progressed into the LL.  What’s left of the Juniors will plough on in small regional leagues.

    Great post as always. Any recent feedback from the Tayside clubs re the way things are panning out? Are there any clubs in the Tayside family that are particularly unhappy or are they all accepting the new "status quo"?  Are they placing their hopes that TJ is really committed to their cause and will successfully negotiate an outcome that will enable them to have a proper link within  the Pyramid?

    Personally, I cannot seeTJ being willing to negotiate a solution that separates the Tayside clubs from the remainder of the ERJFA. If the SJFA/TJ are unwilling  to compromise on this issue I do not see how the PWG could approve the incorporation of Junior Clubs per se in the Pyramid.

    I suppose the possibility over the next 12 months of a clutch of Tayside clubs approaching the EOS to form a Tayside / NoSL South League is remote at the moment.


  6. 1 minute ago, Marten said:

    To be honest, there could easily be some smaller south division side (or north division sides south of the Tay) who do want to move over, but don't fancy a transitional season with a few heavy pumpings by big teams only to end up in the same division as they'd be in if they move in 2019. So then you might as well wait a year...

    Anyway, now we know what the league looks like, it will be interesting to follow for any football fans in Tayside, like myself. There are 5 teams in this division I haven't been to yet, including fairly local ones like Downfield, Kirrie and Tayport (Whitburn/Glenrothes are the others I haven't been yet, not too far either tbh). I'm definitely planning to visit these 5. I would guess Lochee United are the favourites to win the league.

    That is a fair point Marten.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

    Well only TJ is permanent staff and the SFA won't need him.   A WoSFL will operate just as the EoSFL does with a Management Board, no full time positions required.

    You wont find minutes online anywhere.

    I do not know TJ from Adam. In my view it would be better to find a high profile post in the SFA - such as Non League Liaison Executive Manager - than to continue with the current debacle. It is better to build a strong bridge.

    It is the year 2018 and in my view the inability to publish important SJFA minutes online is inexcusable and should be questioned at the AGM on Saturday.

    Why on earth should they be confidential? Also, why cannot the SJFA Management be listed within the main menu of the website to ensure accountability?

  8. There are lots of documents and downloads on the Scottish Junior Football Association website.


    In terms of transparency does anyone know where I can view on the website the minutes of last year's SJFA AGM and the minutes of the subsequent Management Meetings over the last 12 months. I may just be shortsighted!

    The other thing that I cannot find is who are actually on the Scottish Junior Football Association Management Committee and what is the breakdown between paid employees and those on an honorarium?

    It would be interesting to know the number of permanent staff that could be transferred over to the to the SFA in the event of amalgamation of the two organisations.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ginaro said:

    Scottish Junior Football Association secretary Tom Johnston admits they didn’t do enough to convince Junior clubs in the east to stay, although he doesn’t know what more they could have done.

    Junior football in the east has changed drastically with 24 clubs having signed up for the East of Scotland League as of next season. Every club east of West Lothian has departed, leaving behind an association mainly comprised of Fife and Tayside based clubs.

    The format of the East Juniors for next season is still to be rubber-stamped by administrators, but the Evening News understands a regionalised structure of three leagues will be put in place.

    Johnston, secretary of the SJFA, says Junior football still has a future, although he says they’ll learn a lot from the east exodus.

    “We’ll just continue as we have done before,” said Johnston. “It might be a depleted East Region we have, but we are still very strong in the north and the west. We will continue as we have done previously.

    “It’s disappointing to see all these clubs leaving, especially seeing as they have been around for a long, long time as Junior clubs. If that’s what they want to do... it’s really entirely up to them. We’ll focus on the teams that remain and we’ll march on.

    “It seems to have been a kind of domino effect recently, a lot of clubs left because of others. I don’t know what we could have done about that. We’ll look at it and we’ll learn. From what remains, we’ll try and make that stronger.”

    Johnston is confident west clubs won’t end up joining an equivalent league, with plans still in place to bring the Juniors in line with the SFA’s Pyramid.

    He continued: “If we get in at tier 6 in the Pyramid, I don’t think there would be any requirement for them to leave. What they have got there in the west is a pretty strong organisation, so I don’t see the same applying in the west.

    “We’ll learn from the situation in the east and we’ll make improvements and we’ll take it forward.

    “Obviously we didn’t do enough to convince clubs to stay in the Juniors, but I don’t know what else we could have done. I went out and met the clubs and talked with them. Even up until the rest of the clubs started pulling out, we had conviction from them that they would continue. People changed their mind at the last minute, so I don’t know how we would have been expected to cater or cope with that.”


    Do not worry about the above article as the rumours are that TJ has been working flat out to sort this mess out and fully integrate the SJFA West Region into Tier 6 of the pyramid with some ambitious pro-pyramid changes and dynamic "blue sky thinking" that ensures the long term security of the grade.

    It is alleged that important integration papers are to be submitted to the SJFA West Region Management Meeting tomorrow followed by rubber stamping at the SJFA AGM on Saturday and further finaised submissions to the  SJFA West Region Management Meeting and SJFA West Region Annual General Meeting on the Wednesday the 27th.

    Things appear to be really moving given the current dire emergency.  At long last some real inspired action for concerted change and innovation? Or was I dreaming?


    NB: What is a blue sky thinking?

    1. creative ideas that are not limited by current thinking or beliefs. Contemporary definitions for blue-sky thinking. noun. original or creative thinking, unfettered by convention and not grounded in reality.

    2. Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.

  10. 2 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Am I right in thinking that the guy doing the tweeting there is standing to be west region secretary and could be in charge of their fixtures next season?

    He may also be the guy that will be following Arthurlie in the Seniors - WoSL - in 2019/20?  Watch this space!

  11. 17 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    To be fair, unless you have been following things on here or you might not understand the format and the reasons behind it.

    It would be better if the EoS had a decent social media presence so they could post news from the AGM and explain how things will work next season.

    This is a fair point by Ginaro.  The ESL have done a wonderful  job in facilitating the expansion of the league over the last few months in a very diplomatic and thoughtful manner.  However the league's social media presence on Twitter and Facebook is currently poor.  In my view the league website also lacks sparkle and needs to be updated/ replaced with a website that is truly worthy of a league that serves many of the best non league clubs in the east of Scotland.

    On a positive note I thought that Twitter updates by Haddington Athletic last night were superb. Many thanks.


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