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Posts posted by Chubbychops

  1. Stevie was on the same train as me coming back from Edinburgh last year. This was before he got the job, but he said he had been down in Scarborough( I know they  went bust, but must be another team close by) looking at a player.  Apparrently the player had decided to move else where by the time he got down there.

    Does appear that we have been exploring that market though. 

  2. Sounds to me that Stevie knows he's safe.

    My biggest concern with this, is the style of play.  I know he's spoken about changing things but I'm not convinced there will be a big change. He seems to spend a lot of his analysis talking about defending from the front and being compact, players buying into his game plan.  At no point has he hinted at playing expansive football.  Only ever mentioned bringing in players to suit what he's trying to do.

    Bruce Anderson has been let down by him. The guy would score goals for fun in this league with a more attack minded team.  He has chased shaddows under Crawford. No support due to parking the bus.

    If he's here next year and he's boring the tits off me still by October/Novemeber time and bang average results to match, then I would want to see action. 

    Not a great situation to be going into in a new season. He needs a good start or it will turn bitter very quickly.

  3. On 03/05/2019 at 11:08, The OP said:

    I was going to go with Netherlands in 2003 then I remembered 2007 as the last time I felt any optimism about Scotland. 

    Typical Celtic fan.  Only optimistic if the team is doing well. Bails out when the going gets tough. 

  4. Having had time to digest and sleep over my end of season thoughts, I've come to the conclusion that we need to change manager. Craw will change the staff but the anti-football mindset will never change. He talks a lot about the players ''buying'' into their vision. I personally think this is his style, just the wrong players for him. Get rid now or EEP will be deserted next season.

    I want Petrie in. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, TONTROOPER said:

    Just a      wee note to Pars fans.

    Travelled through from Glasgow to 'hook up' wae a couple of Pars friends @ the Old Inn.

    Travelled back home with them too.....a great day for Morton fans...but a big shout out for the hospitality shown me by other Pars supporters at the pub....decent people who share a common love of the game.Thanks guys.

    Glad you enjoyed it mate. I also met up with Ton fans today in Town and listened to what footballing life is like through there. Old firm nominate through your way more than here in the East and I have nothing but admiration for true Morton fans. Love the Anti-Falkirk stuff too.

  6. I think the last week has brought a bit more realism to where we are. 

    Management have saved us from relegation with the squad they have inherited but you can see why we were playing so compact and defensive on the counter, with wee Bruce getting important goals from scraps.  Second half when we had to attack just exposed how poor Higgy and Louis were in wide areas. No creation in the team. Louis has nice wee touches but zero effect. Hippo is utter garbage and generally the creative/attacking players we have are ineffective. 

    Stick with the management and let them clear out AJ's mess for next season.

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