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Everything posted by muZZa__44

  1. i find it bizzare it's just for a season either go all out and retire the number or don't do it IMO
  2. might just be my thing but i just don't like throwing guys who just signed straight into a starting line up so probably going with
  3. I personally wouldn’t be starting Rose tomorrow no idea on if he’s done any pre season training would have him and McGeady both on the bench and then maybe give them starts Saturday against Alloa
  4. 16 goals last season plays striker but can also play either side of the wing
  5. Ahh yes what we all wanted to know the team’s opinions on crocs (via their TikTok) IMG_2972.MOV
  6. A draw on Tuesday and a win or Saturday should be more then enough to see us through depending on stuff outsider our power, our goal difference may be our issue if we finish second in the group
  7. Was mainly the youth players only first guys in the first team that were there was Watret, Ecrepont and then the young ones with first team contracts so Tomlinson, Jenkins, Guthrie, Viviani
  8. how i would line up names listed under players are subs i would probably make at half time to give other guys some game time (reckon we'll give McAllister a run since he's meant to be back for St. Johnstone)
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