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  1. The lack of progress of any players from the development squad is a concern . Although in principle I support the concept of developing our own young players I’m not sure of the financial value especially given that every penny is important in a very competitive championship. Guys I know who watch the shire and junior football locally say that none of our current youth loanees will cut it in the championship! Worrying !
  2. I think Aiden has had a spray tan and has turned out at number 8 for the ****.
  3. Yes but if I’m an ambitious player I would think twice about signing for a championship club with no intention of putting in a grass pitch. This ruling seems so unfair and there should be some contribution from the premier league pot towards clubs replacing plastic with grass!
  4. Are falkirk tv keeping the cameras rolling so all the exiled bairns can see us lift the cup
  5. Great teams don’t just win a title they steamroller there way to it. Never doubted them and wish I had put a bet on the invincible prediction I mentioned on here back in early November. COYB
  6. On another day we could have won by 5 or 6 we were so far ahead as a team . However getting it wide and slinging balls in for Mciver continually to hopefully head home is a bit naive. ( and it seemed like our only plan. )Bottom line is that Annan had us sussed and dealt with our arial threat very well. As good as McIver is , he rarely smashes a ball into the net with his head or feet and is generally a link up man who,s main contribution is lay offs and excellent flick ons. Id love him to kick on and be a real no 9 and I believe he has it in him but too succeed but he will need to get a lot more aggressive and add a nasty edge to his game. Give him a few videos off Ally Mccoist to study as he continually fouled pushed shoved or kicked his way to make space in the box.
  7. Also great debut from Dylan Tait he was absolute class with his energy passing and movement.Another great signing ?
  8. For me the pedestrian pace we played at causes our problems first half -in particular we missed McCann and Yeats energy down the flanks. In addition I’ve never seen Allan do anything to justify signing him .Shanley looks to offer a lot more up top and should now cement his role to be back up striker. john McGlynns believe that his bench could all play championship football looks ludicrous now given they were out fought by a bunch of kids!
  9. Still good enough to spot taggart playing with his faithers pit black boots wtf is that all about
  10. Yeah the keeper is destined for a top career he gets more confident each week . I have to admit I was wrong about young Finn at right back . He also seems to get better with each game and is turning into a real asset. long May this form continue . Can we begin to dream of an ‘invincible ‘ season ?
  11. Most jobs especially sporting roles carry a risk . There needs to be lots of education about the risks but ultimately the participant can choose not to .
  12. I’m glad we didn’t have any injuries. On reflection we could have beaten this mob with the young team and a few bench warmers. Don’t think Our keeper had a save to make.Truth is Ayr are not and never have been a bigger club than us . I really don’t believe there’s any difference between league 1 & most of the championship
  13. Sorry I don’t get the Allan is fine bit at all . Tonight he was our worst player. He suits a team who sit in & play on the break but for us he’s been v poor in almost every game he’s played.Yes he snatched a late goal at Cove but I’m sorry I just don’t see that he offers much !
  14. Sorry Walker won’t play today. Not good enough or strong enough to start .The manager will only bring him on if we are 2 or 3 up. I would like to see him get 20 mins so we can judge better but I suspect he’s not ready yet.
  15. 3 or 4 up front at times in the first half - great play and point made I think !!
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