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Posts posted by jaybeee

  1. 7 hours ago, NathanDrake88 said:

    The best of livi couldn’t beat the worst of st mirren. What a horrible team they are, my eyes are bleeding 

    This is so true, I mean one does have to credit Martindale for consistently pulling together a team from minimal resources and driving them to pretty consistent results, just not very good very often, I can't honestly remember seeing an enjoyable match to watch against Livingstone and I blame the pitch for a lot of the crap football that is played on it.

  2. 11 hours ago, Eddie Hitler said:

    Anyone hearing anything at all about any further incomings before the window SLAMS SHUT?

    I still feel we are light at the back for the following reasons:

    1. We only have one proper RWB. Aware that Bolton is mooted to be able to fill in there and we have used Flynn there (but does anyone want a repeat of the Ginnelly incident that chucked away points v Hearts?). But this isn't proper cover in my honest opinion, as this isn't their primary position.

    2. While we now have adequate cover for the left side of central defence, I wouldn't say the same about the central position of the three, or the right hand side of the three because i) I still don't really want Gogic consigned to be a CB all season, it isn't his main role, ii) the only adequate cover for him and Fraser, in any case, seems to be Bolton. But what if either one of those two is hurt or suspended and Strain is at the same time? Bolton can't do both at once. People may say "well, Taylor or Dunne could do it" but that's square pegs in round holes stuff.

    We don't need many injuries or suspensions in the wrong places to go from looking decent to the possibility that the defence becomes a bit of a disaster area imho. A bit of foresight will tell any fan we aren't going to get through the season unscathed as far as injuries and suspensions go.

    I recognise that it's unlikely we solve all this but I would like to see at least one more CB come in tbh. As a fan, I don't always have to think of this in business terms, and I perceive that having proper players for cover for these positions rather than patchwork stuff where you are putting guys there that can't really do it is what might be the difference between an ok season and a brilliant one.

    And I hope Robinson is currently putting a similar case to the board. 

    OK, apart from the fact you have partly answered your own question regarding 1.: Thierry Small can also cover the right back position.  As for 2:  Bolton has been brought in specifically to fit into those defensive roles, as you will see over the coming weeks and months, but remember this is St Mirren, not Arsenal, we simply cannot afford two position-specific players as cover (unless of course you have won the Lotto and the board can expect a substantial donation soon). Taylor, Dunne, Gogic, and Flyn can and will on occasions cover where and when as required...... It's St Mirren, as I said. unlikely any more will arrive because finances are finite, unlike our fans' desire for more players.  I understand your reasoning and desire not to be undone for the lack of 'just one more signing', but it always seems to be ................just one more.

  3. 6 hours ago, btb said:

    We don't need another 5-10 goal a season striker but unless we get lucky and magic up one that is a bit better we're gonna be posting the same comments pretty regularly.

    I take your point, but unfortunately finding a striker such as Kevin Van Veen, whom Motherwell got on a free transfer from Scunthorpe, is a rare occurrence, one of the reasons why teams such as ourselves always need to look for goals from al areas of the team, and truth be told ......... having a Harry Kane is great till some rich club buys him.  Tottenham's new manager is already addressing that by looking to find goals from other positions..............clever man.

  4. 7 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

    Did you start supporting after the cup final? If so, unlucky.

    Actually no, apparently my dad took me to it; although I really don't have any recollection of it, 3 to 1 was the score I know but that probably stuck because it was a big event back then, my memories of being lifted over the turnstile by various strange men, wouldn't and couldn't happen nowadays, but those games somehow endowed a sense of belonging and I never felt the need to chase success and follow either of the Glasgow options,I am over seventy now and still don't.  COYS.

  5. 3 hours ago, ZingaliMan said:

    I have watched Saints since 1967. Trust me I carry a big cross from it. But now and again the cross is laid down not often.  These are good times from a Saints point of view. Aberdeen are a good club love you beating the dark sides of Glasgow. These times don't come along a lot for St Mirren so we are living the moment.  I'm dangling carrots it's not often we can do that. I have a lot of respect for Aberdeen just let us have our moment. 

    well said sir, I have endured longer than yourself having suffered since 1959 and as you say it isn't often we get to crow so please Mr Aberdonian, gie the man a break


  6. 6 minutes ago, Dagdagh said:

    We should have killed Aberdeen off.  We are dominating teams and not doing that.  Just look at our last three matches.

    Aberdeen were the poorest team we've faced and they nicked a draw.  We can argue about VAR (and it was shocking today) but to be honest you can see why Robbo was so desperate for another striker.  We could have a re-run of last season where our percentage of chances converted is amongst the lowest in the league. 

    I know we've scored seven goal in three league games but the amount of chances we are creating is frightening (for the opposition).  It's been a long time since we've looked this good going forward.

    As for Aberdeen, could have been a bad day at the office but they looked really poor.  Their midfield was non-existent today which is probably the main reason Duk and Miovski were getting so het up  (Duk could easily have been red carded on that performance today).  They weren't even getting scraps to feed off of.

    We for sure do not need another striker, with Olysanyo.........who I thought was a waste of space, Mamdron........ who I thought, meh!", Grieve ........who I always liked, but figured he would chip in with a view but was never going to be a Basher or Yards, and Nahmani, who although only young is still an option; otherwise why is he here, then we have Ayunga, hopefully soon...ish and Lewis Jameison also, that means we have six strikers/forwards, all of whom (contrary to my own thoughts) seem pretty reasonable ...... or better than what we generally have, no disrespect intended to anyone club, management, players here, simply the financial fact of life for clubs of our size...............usually.  so why would we need one more?

  7. 3 hours ago, Captain_Sensible said:

    Opportunity to go top of the league with Celtic dropping 2 points

    With the OF playing next week, we then have a further opportunity to put down a real challenge for the title and direct qualification for the group stage of the Champions League.

    given the name of the poster and remembering we are speaking of Sr Mirren, the following statement "direct qualification for the group stage of the Champions League." seems somewhat beyond outrageous...................... but COYS.

  8. 13 hours ago, houston_bud said:

    I saw a decent bit of the game last night. I like the look of this Aberdeen side. They've got some really good players going forward. Both Hibs and Dundee had spells against us when they caused us a few problems so I'd expect Aberdeen's forward line to be very dangerous. Motherwell caused us no real problems, which I'd like to put down to our defence improving but probably as much (more) to do with them being pretty toothless.

    Aberdeen look to have a lot more grit under Robson than they had under Goodwin or Glass. I feel some of our wins over Aberdeen the last couple of seasons, we have bullied them. I don't see this happening this year. 

    We're a decent side though and good at home. Tough one to call.

    4-0 Saints

    absolutely, difficult to call,  personally I think you are a bit gallus, 3-1 Saints

  9. 8 hours ago, houston_bud said:

    It looks like he's apologising and/or seeing if Strain is alright. He puts his hand out, then after the booking goes back and squats down beside Strain.

    He knows it was a poor tackle. It's difficult to see just how bad it was from that angle. Can't see if it is high or studs showing. 

    yes, Paul  was never a nasty player, but he is a damn good defender

  10. 16 hours ago, MenstrieSaint said:

    I hope we strengthen , maybe another 3 or 4 in also hope we can keep Strain and Baccus until tbe January window . Very pleased with our start to the season .

    As much as I and most Buddies would love that to happen,  even allowing for a certain amount of misdirection over 'finances' that Robinson has been known to spout from time to time, 'one' in might be possible, but three or four. well, as much chance of that as Kilmarnock beating Celtic today........................oh wait! Without outgoing players, it ain't going to happen, unfortunately.

  11. 23 hours ago, pozbaird said:

    Again, I have no axe to grind in this particular debate. Thinking about it though, if I wander up to a food van or somesuch, I say ‘a roll ‘n’ square sausage please’. Or ‘a roll ‘n’ bacon please’. Aye, definitely comes out my mouth sounding like ‘n’ between the words roll and filling of choice.

    Now, FFS, has the mystery striker been spotted in Asda yet?

    naw, nae striker yet mon

  12. 22 hours ago, AW saint said:

    I was of the same opinion about another striker but who would you drop? 

    Mandron looks better than Main so far, Toyosi has improved no end, Grieve is full of running and was robbed of his  second goal. Nahmani is yet to come into his own, Ayunga will be back by October and Jamieson has looked impressive in bit parts. 

    Do we actually need another striker. You could even class McMenamin as a forward. 

    I would love another midfielder who is full of running and can create. Another O'Hara type. 

    We need energy in the middle. We have enough forwards imo. 

    That is absolutely spot on, forwards need good feed from midfield, and we do have a surfeit it would seem of (for St Mirren) good strikers, for me a midfielder would make more sense, but what the hell do I know, I would have binned Olisanyo and truth be told was not overly keen on Mandron either, so perhaps the gaffer knows what he is doing, well there is a novelty  it would seem.  COYS

  13. 4 hours ago, Drooper said:

    You need to get over Carson.  He's gone, and he really wasn't that spectacular anyway.

    Hemming wasn't at fault for the goal.  La Fondre had the goal at his mercy, the perfect angle to choose where he was placing the shot, and he stroked it away well.  Unless you expect a keeper to cover every square foot of his goal when one on one, it seems entirely unreasonable to hold him responsible for conceding the goal.

    i FULLY agree about Carson, don't know why, but somehow I never warmed to the man, but I also have to agree with Ric that Hemming should have done better with the first goal, he was left wide open by his (lack of) defense certainly, but in reality, he was a mile slow in getting down, and after reviewing it several;l times you can tell he was beaten (in his head) before he dived, Hladky would have saved that, IMO of course, and that is why we have Forums, to voice opinions.

  14. 15 hours ago, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

    Without doubt, all three were very good. I think we have been fortunate to have had them all. I personally think Carson had the edge. Ultimately, it's a matter of opinion, unless somebody can make a case based on statistics? However, regardless of how good he was, we definitely did the right think in getting shot of him. I think most of us can agree on that (though I do see the point made by some, that selling him to another Premiership team strengthens our rivals). 

    Aye, he has to be booed. He has to be! I cannot think of anywhere it's more socially acceptable to boo someone than at the fitba; maybe a pantomime? If it was a pantomime, he'd play the ultimate villain. What he has done is wrong on so many levels and I would be very disappointed with our fans if we don't let him know exactly what we think of him. I don't think it's childish and I do think it would be effective if enough people were to do it.

    One final point - I think it would be nice if Shaugnessy received a warm reception, on its own merit. He has served the club and despite being left out of the team by Robbo he didn't act petulantly and stepped up when called to do so. However, by contrast, it will make Carson's reception even more emphatic. I wonder if the Northbank could create a banner - thanking Joe for his service and lambasting Carson? Some may well think that's taking things too far, but I think if we can agitate him it would give us a good sporting advantage and potentially dent his confidence for the season. I do wonder if he will actually play, given all that's gone on, that they have three other 'keepers (?) and the fact he's not had a game yet this season? Would they dare to leave him on the bench? I suppose we will see if features against Motherwell tomorrow.

    As I see it, this is a God-given opportunity! 😇

    Well I shant get into a boxing match with you over the best goalie, (Hladky by a country mile)  because as you say short of stats it's all about individual opinion for sure, however, as for ALL the rest of your post, I concur wholeheartedly, excellent suggestions, Joe Shaughnessy was a firm favourite of mine also, indeed my thoughts on the dignified manner he displayed consistently at the club,  probably mirror your own and it would be a super show of fan appreciation if something along the lines you suggest were to transpire. I hope it does. ps; I thought Tate also conducted himself superbly while at our club, many younger players perhaps might take note of this, to me humility is almost as good as ability, not quite but I am sure you take my point.

  15. On 03/08/2023 at 17:16, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

    Just caught up with 5 pages of posts on here.

    I can see @Ric's point about Carson, even though I don't agree with him, because I rated him very highly. I actually believe he was better than Hladky and Alnwick, a comment that I don't believe would have been controversial prior to his petulance. My views on the matter are essentially: 

    i) There's no way we should be paying him to train, and I agree that he cannot be part of the team given that he clearly doesn't want to play for us anymore. Our players should be proud to don the shirt.

    ii) He needs to be got rid of to set an example to other players that we will not tolerate that sort of disruptive behaviour.

    iii) His continued presence might unsettle other players.

    iv) Any sort of pay off, to get him off the books, would have been immoral.


    Even if Carson has a sensational season for Dundee, we need to have some pride as a club. This was the right decision, IMHO.

    I cannot remember who it was who made the excellent point about hos Carson's selfish antics would have possibly affected Urminsky's confidence going into the Rangers game. Of course, that's speculation, but it's a valid point and certainly it could have done. The guy's an arse and I hope everybody boos him and lets him know that he's seen for the scumbag he is. 

    If he's egotistical enough to spit the dummy out over not being played in what was a meaningless game, then I think booing and jeering will get to him. You'd have to be pretty thick-skinned not to notice several thousand fans' boos at all. If it does and especially if he concedes a howler or a few goals, then it may knock his confidence and lead to him having an underwhelming season. 

    "Fucking boooooo!" 🤬

    I agree with booing him, childish or not, effective or not, but it lets him know what the grown-ups think of him, vehemently disagree re Hladky and Alnwick, those two were far superior to Carson by several degrees,  Hladky = 9, Alnwick = 8, Carson = 6 in my opinion anyway.

  16. I watched the game and United was quickly in charge, Moult was excellent as indeed were the  whole United front line, I was very interested to see Goodwin's views after the game and was impressed with his demeanour, I always liked him when he was with us and  unlike a few of my fellow buddies, I bear him no ill will, he has always seemed to me to be a good and fair man as well as a decent manager and I hope he and United do well this season

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