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Everything posted by Elric

  1. The goalkeeper Marshall has played 2 games in the last 2 years. This has the makings of being an absolute disaster. Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when he was getting interviewed by the board regarding his signing targets and why nobody released so far is better than LL players. The loan players from Hibs will likely be youngsters. Can only be a matter of time before the BSC pie hut staff arrive!
  2. Hard the second jag yesterday and no side effects. In two weeks time, unless Sturgeon and her crew can provide concrete evidence that the vaccinations are not efficient, then all restrictions, within reason, will be ignored.
  3. This really needs to be fired at them by MSM and insist on an answer and no waffle. Sturgeon has hinted that Glasgow may remain in L3 for another 1 or 2 weeks but insists the Euros are safe - Is she now Clairvoyant as well? How can she be sure?
  4. It was like the Yer Having A Laugh Show with the Three Stooges today. Covid bingo very much to the forefront and the highlights included: Reason to belive To be a bit more confident the vaccine will prevail Hospital numbers down Travel restrictions hopefully temporary A much greater degree of normality We still have to protect the NHS We need greater confidence in the jag Watched up until the first couple of questions and then turned it off in disgust. Is she being Fucking serious here. This really and truly cannot continue.
  5. Now starting to consider that the SG do not have a clue how to get us out of this and back up and running. There are going to be a lot of people losing their jobs especially in the hospitality, entertainment and travel/tourism industries and I think they are using delaying tactics to avoid the hard questions regarding this. We have been fed a lot of bullshit about adult conversations,2 week circuit breakers, how we will have an independent Scottish inquiry regarding the SG handling of the epidemic and it is all lies. Two absolute balloons, who are supposed to be advisers, appear to be calling the shots. Typical of this government is the fact that they are pandering to the minority while ignoring the majority. MSM terrified to ask probing questions when they should be slaughtering their handing of the virus. All the rhetoric for months has been the election and how Independence is the answer. Now the election is over and we see that the great failure called Swinney is the Covid Recovery minister. I would not trust that man to organise my grandkids birthday party never-mind lead us out of Covid. People need to start telling them to F off and that we are going to start getting on with our lives. Football teams and the entertainment and hospitality industries need to unite re crowds going back to the football, theatres, concert etc and if necessary take some sort of legal challenge. Friday morning rant over.
  6. I am sure that we will be staying in budget but the only possible concern that I have is that above. I am sure Swift knows their potential but if they were suitable for League 2 then surely clubs would have picked them up before this. Time will tell. It may well be that they are a breath of fresh air and be a success rather than the old tried and tested failures we have seen before that go from club to club.
  7. Still some no users in there though, Robison and Mathieson to start with. What did she do when she was Health Secretary other than be Sturgeon's best pal? Mathieson always fails to inspire and as for Swinney enough said. Time will tell.
  8. Hope they throw the book at him over this. Perhaps the full circumstances will come out.
  9. My surgery no longer does it but you have to see a doctor to get a referral - total waste of an appointment. I went to Boots and bought a syringe, filled basin with fairly hot water and 10 minutes of syringing had cleared the ears without wasting anyone else's' time.
  10. So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 (should read Level 3)and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing. She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy. Time we were updated with what exactly is and is going to be happening. She has already ruined the entertainment and travel industries in the country and is doing her best to finish football off. What next?
  11. Point 1 by Leitch - sorry you do not decide you are here to advise Point 2 that is a certainty and will be followed by the rest of the country if there are any more cases.
  12. I presume that the Rangers Celebration march will still be taking place at the weekend. Cannot see any action being taken to prevent it. When are people going to realise that all Sturgeon wants is total control over people's lives. Her manifesto pledges are broken after a week so why should we believe anything she says? When are the press going to take her to task? Who is she going to invite for the "Adult Conversation"? Myself and a group of friends have all had enough of her crap and are going to get on with our lives.
  13. Years ago, while working shifts, wife was pregnant with three months to go and having a rough time being in and out of hospital. We had a child at the time and I could work day shift no problem while the kid was at a child minders but the other shifts were impossible. Again she got admitted and spoke to my supervisor about day shift and was told to use my annual leave. No problem I said, what I will do, to make things easier, is go and see my doctor and I will see you in 3 or 4 months time. Just do day shift anytime you need to was the reply!
  14. But Leach pops up on the news getting on about the Indian variant. You can't keep a good man down!
  15. Until you try and get out of it or someone decides they are having your patch.
  16. Absolute cloud cuckoo land. Surely those in the Lowland League will not fall for this utter pish.
  17. Mate went to a pub/restaurant on Friday. You have to come in the main door and walk through the restaurant area to get to the drinking marquee and come back the way if you want to go to the toilet, They had to sit with a soft drink while eating their meal while a few yards away people were chucking booze down their throats. Just how the f**k can Sturgeon and her motley crew justify this? On a side note I saw in the paper yesterday that there are hopes that the minimum price per unit for alcohol will rise to 65p per unit. Why are we, the majority, constantly being hammered for the actions of a minority? With the SG it appears if you are in a minority everything will be done for you but if you are in the majority then f**k you no one cares about you but give us your vote anyway.
  18. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/jason-leitch-forewarns-the-big-24019105 And yet on any given day some supermarkets will have more people, inside, in them than there will be in some of the 2nd division grounds which are open to fresh air Just tell us we should be in permanent lockdown, all businesses and industries can fold, no travel, no drink, no enjoying yourself unless you go to church. It would appear that all the efforts going into vaccinations and been futile and a complete waste of time and money. It is time this arsehole and his sidekicks were properly challenged in the supposed Adult Conversation we were promised.
  19. The SG paid £500K up front for hotel rooms to be used for Quarantining incoming passengers. Have yet to see any figures as to how many people have actually been quarantined.
  20. Had some great stuff and some not so good in Cambodia. Did not dig the fetus egg but some of the bugs were tasty.
  21. His is not a colourful character he is a dangerous, lying, twisted imbecile who has no conception of right or wrong and who will never take responsibility for his behaviour. The more he gets away with the more dangerous he becomes.
  22. and this is how it will continue till polling day. Any wonder people are getting fed up with it. Same old same old.
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