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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Given the comments by Leitch today I think that is the season over. Does not think that clubs should travel from Dumfries to Elgin and in terms of equality we should be thinking about getting woman's football back. Who is deciding what we do because it certainly does not seem like the government?
  2. No way will the lower leagues start soon after what he said. Equity for the Women's League -yeah let's get them back as soon as possible and what teams travel from Dumfries to Elgin?
  3. Blue envelopes have arrived for wife and I - a big cloud suddenly lifted at that time and there is now an air of more optimism. Strange how little it takes.
  4. Fast becoming the new Ines - would love Cyrelle to hear about her propositioning Nick. Her and Martha are for the watching - fancy Tamara to get stuck into them. New girl Susie - hardly surprising she has been single.
  5. No - I'm stating how ridiculous is it to send our referees to Greece at this time. Of course we need referees and if they are considered elite then it is to Scotland. Three now isolating because of a derby in Greece. It would have been bad enough if it had been an international and one of them had returned home with a positive test. They then follow this up by allowing someone who has tested positive to officiate at a game a few days later.
  6. How can a referee be considered an "elite Sportsman" As far as I know he has a separate job and is not a full time referee so the term "Elite Sportsman" is very dubious. If our level of football is not started in the next few weeks the chairmen need to meet and act. What exactly I do not know but something needs to be done given that the SG is going to issue a "roadmap". tomorrow.
  7. Have downloaded most of this and gradually working my way through them. Have got up to the 2 new couples joining. Wife is addicted to this and watching 2-3 episodes a night. Hard to believe that there are so many fucked up characters in it. Meeting some of them would be scary.
  8. I love Ramen - pictures please when you have time.
  9. Serious point here - if we do get Independence will it automatically be assumed that we wish to rejoin the EU or will there be another referendum? I am aware that there was a majority of those who voted wished to remain but almost 33% of those eligible to vote did not vote at the referendum. Electorate: 3,987,112 Turnout: 67.2% Valid votes: 2,679,513
  10. And you trust this crowd to take us to Independence? It is one f**k up after another at the moment.
  11. And how long is it before other halfwits say " If its good enough for them, it's good enough for us". The problem is these clowns think they are untouchable. Football was permitted as a privilege it can easily be taken away. We have suffered through the cheeks behaviour in the lower divisions it would be hilarious if she stopped the season now for all.
  12. Who would have thought it? What morons are actually coming up with these regulations and I presume they are putting no real thought into it. That should have been one of the first issues they looked at.
  13. Good to see that if you fly from anywhere in the world into Ireland and then into Scotland you do not have to isolate in a hotel. Very well though out. Much cheaper to fork out for a couple of single flights than pay for the hotel.
  14. We usually hear Sturgeon going on about how many of a certain age group have been given a jab. Why the change in her rhetoric today when she said on numerous occasions - " Have been offered the jag"
  15. That is the scary bit - shows that it can happen to anyone. Good luck to him today.
  16. I see that we have established an Analysis Dept and one of those involved is a Neil Alexander. Is this our ex keeper who went on to play for Livingston and Cardiff amongst others?
  17. What's this waiting acceptance? - we are constantly being told that we would be straight back into the club.
  18. Just finished reading Rob Halford's - Confess which was quite a good read and now started on Ian Hunter - Rock and Roll Sweepstake which is a great insight into the man and Mott. The second part of this comes out later this month. Also read Pete Way's Fast Ride Out of Here. Don't know how he lasted so long. Some scary stuff in there about his drug habits and marriages.
  19. Elric


    Standing in a gas chamber was a horrific moment and you can only imagine what went through these poor souls minds at the time. Really if you go to Krakow you must visit Auschwitz and Birkenau, it really makes you think. Cheer yourself up by doing the Salt Mine the next day. Lots of great cheap bars just off the main square. Got into a discussion with some Jews one night and the old boy told us he had been in 6 or 7 camps and showed us the number tattoo on his wrist. After Auschwitz it was interesting to hear from someone who had lived through it.
  20. That is my view and I believe many others are of a similar mind.
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