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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. It kinda kills some of the other theories imo. Like Kang being in the quantum realm this whole time etc. Will be interesting to see where it goes.
  2. I thought that was a great episode. Expected a lot of action but instead we found out where we're going with the MCU.
  3. Well my son, nephew and I can't go so that's an even better chance for you Tord!
  4. That was my point. With no games to trial it at club level for the past couple of months then it's a bit unrealistic to want everything ramped up immediately.
  5. Of course we're being treated differently. One was in international event, where one of games were being played. The other is putting a process in place where the individual clubs have to manage and organise the process to make sure there's no breaking of protocol.
  6. We enjoyed it but all agreed Raya and the Last Dragon was better.
  7. Why should we be granted more because we have bigger stadiums? It's not the Government's fault that the football season begins at beginning of August with minimal pre season fixtures beforehand. I'd agree with you if the country had been at level 0 for months. We haven't though.
  8. That's a different scenario surely? For one it's not the clubs who are responsible for what happened at the Euros where I believe the SFA and Government worked together on that. Can't imagine local councils have the infrastructure in place to ensure games going on at the same time across the country are adhered to properly.
  9. Yeah just seen that. The article random referred to did say Hearts though.
  10. I don't see how it's ludicrous. Smaller test events to make sure everything is in place for August rather than going gung ho now and it absolutely turning to shit and setting us back seems fine to me.
  11. Not a Marvel movie but got a kick out of this.
  12. If you were the government would you genuinely give Rangers a large allocation after the behaviour after the final game of the season?
  13. Yeah. That should be the club's policy anyway. Hoping that's exactly what happens.
  14. Aye. I'm not saying I'm happy with this squad for the rest of the season. I'm just comfortable with where we're at now considering the pond we fish in.
  15. Just my opinion but it's not like Baddiel and Skinner have doubled down. As far as I am aware they've acknowledged it was wrong publicly. They've owned it. It was racist in 1996. It was wrong in1996. I don't think they should be cancelled for it though.
  16. I'm assuming Jenks was the McGrath alternative. Could be a case of taking a player on loan for a year and offering a contract to McGrath in January. Doubt we'll get near him on a pre-contract though. We definitely need to get some fat off the wage bill. Whether that's Ferguson or a couple of the others then I'm not sure.
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