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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. I thought you knew and had the rod out. Didn't want to spoil your fun.
  2. It's hard to say as he was under McInnes. Some people will probably think he plays a similar style but it was noticeably different when he took over. A lot more emphasis on playing from the back. Whether that was a Glass thing (he said it wasn't) or based on Sheerin's philosophy itself we don't know. There's probably a good chance we send some young players on loan. He knows them and it would probably suit us to put them somewhere where they will likely play. What I can say is that he was very well thought of at the club.
  3. I'd rather go with no head of recruitment than Russ Richardson. Every signing is a gamble.
  4. He had an extension that would be automatically triggered if he played an amount of games and was long past his best. Was very lucky to get his contract extended a couple of years ago. He's also been allowed to miss at least a days training every week to visit his kids down south. The club have done very well by Shay.
  5. Could just be visiting the city on his time off like...
  6. His kid is still up here. My pals loon was at the Iain Wilson soccer camp with him in the Easter holidays.
  7. Need to think about that. McGrath is a better player than Ferguson and if he is worth more than 2 then you'll need to substantially up your bid.
  8. Suppose which way you take competitive. I see it as a positive.
  9. Was always going to be the case and I've no idea why opposition fans were suggesting otherwise. Not a big fan of the chairman making a song and dance about it though.
  10. Who are they wheeling out today to suggest Ferguson would turn down the EPL for Rangers? We've had Kevin Phillips (who claimed to have played with his dad at Birmingham) and Noel Whelan so far. It's a strange one as the majority of Rangers fans seem to want him nowhere near the club.
  11. Would be a bit strange for the groundsman to be dribbling a ball about?!
  12. My pal just drove past Cormack park just now. Said there was a single player on the first pitch. Hoping it's someone doing their medical.
  13. We have a left back in MacKenzie. He'll start I'd imagine as there is pressing need elsewhere on the park. Middleton + cash for Ferguson would not be worth the hassle it would cause.
  14. Some folk thought McInnes deserved to keep his job after beating this lot!
  15. You finish where you deserve to finish over the course of the season. With that being said I think all three clubs have a case for being the third best team. Hibs easily have the best attack of the three, St Johnstone the defence and for me Aberdeen take the midfield. At this point Hibs have gloating rights for finishing ahead of both of us but St Johnstone fans get to celebrate the first non OF double for decades. I know I'd rather be in there shoes today but would have happily taken third as a consolation. It's interesting to see what happens next season. Hibs and Aberdeen both need a rebuild where it's a stick or twist season for St Johnstone.
  16. As I said I couldn't care less. Perhaps others will see this and not do it in future do there's a positive. When you won the league there was plenty videos of idiots in your support holding fireworks, shitting themselves when the sparks hit their hands and waving it wildly whilst fellow fans are running around trying to ensure they're not in the line of fire. Hope the next idiot who does it suffers the same fate and I couldn't care less who they support.
  17. You're taught in primary school not to play with pyrotechnics. I've no sympathy for that arsehole. Fortunately it was just his own hand he destroyed.
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