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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Nope. Aberdeen are still working on what incentive they are going to offer. This was also discussed by the Chairman at the recent Q&A. He thought the token "here's a club shop voucher" was a bit shit. Aberdeen are going to announce something at the end of the month but hope they can come up with something better than that. I'm not sure why you're upset about this but here we are.
  2. Yes that's right. You think we signed Lewis Ferguson from Hamilton at the end of his contract a thank you from Rangers for Ryan Jack leaving us at the end of his contract.
  3. Aberdeen signed Lewis Ferguson on a pre-contract when he had just broken in to the Hamilton team and he's started almost every single game he's been available for since signing.
  4. I think it's a bit odd that you have given it more than 2 seconds thought to be honest.
  5. As far as Aberdeen's advantage, you are preaching to the choir. This is exactly why I wanted a change in management.
  6. St Johnstone fans getting awful excited about this game. I suppose it is their semi final after all @RandomGuy.
  7. You surely understand why Aberdeens odds are lower despite Leicester having a bigger advantage than Aberdeen?
  8. It's incentives to renew for this season. Aberdeen have not decided on theirs yet but think it's a bit shitty of Rangers to offer a blanket "take it or leave it £20 club shop voucher". It's cute to see roaming the threads to jump in to Rangers defence as usual though. That's why I made sure to post it. WastecoatAJF.
  9. RDL. DC saw your posts. Yeah. Was surprised to get the call when it was only giving info but was definitely appreciated.
  10. the club called me today as I'm a season ticket holder. Expected a hard sell but (as per Daves q&a) said they weren't in a position to sell season tickets without having a better idea of when fans will get back in to the stadiums. Said they are looking to offer an incentive to renew. Had a wee dig at the old firm (Rangers offering a take it or leave it £20 club shop voucher and Celtic offering nothing) but did add that it's a bit more understandable as both clubs have waiting lists for season tickets. All in all it was a call making sure I was keeping safe and healthy and to expect another call at the end of the month.
  11. Yeah I would agree. You can certainly tell he has been told to be a bit more forward thinking. Derek absolutely likes a midfielder to play the safe passes. Look at Ryan Jack with us and how he plays for them.
  12. Agreed on the first half. Second half I'm talking about the wild overreactions on twitter. Get rid of everybody etc etc. Campbell seems to be taking a lot of flak for "safe, short passes". It must have been near double figures where he played a cross field pass to a player in space in the opposition third. What the player does from there isn't his fault.
  13. Today wasn't nearly as bad as some folk would have you believe. The main issues were caused by guys who aren't going to be here next year anyway. At one point we played our way around their press on the right wing brilliantly...until the ball reached McGinn who took the ball back 15 yards towards our own goal from a promising counter attacking position. Hayes, as mentioned by @Bob Mahelp and McGinn slowed down everything today.
  14. I think that's a bit harsh. You missed two really good chances.
  15. McInnes had him on the bench as soon as he was old enough but for whatever reason he hasn't had a look in until now. Was surprised he wasn't farmed out at the beginning of the season. He's been spoken about for a couple of years and you can see why.
  16. Depends if it's just cramp. I'd love to see him and MacKenzie at full back for the rest of the season. Hayes is finished.
  17. Why? He'll have been impressed with the youngsters
  18. Pretty sure we're Ron's 'big team' as he was a commentator on local radio in Aberdeen when County were in the lower leagues. McLeod definitely grew up an Aberdeen fan but some of his fawning over Celtic in recent years has been vomit inducing. Constantly trying to get that historic soundbite.
  19. It's sad watching Hayes and McGinn these days. Most of our good play falls apart as soon as either get on the ball. Ramsey has been brilliant. Quite a lot if us have asked for him to get a look in for months. Much rather him than Kennedy. Both teams should have scored.
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/47672686 Clearly a replacement to keep the housewives happy.
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