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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. I understand both sides of the argument. Don't think there's much issue in players having a drink but acting like arseholes is a different story. Tend to feel that players shouldn't be falling about a fast food takeaway win, lose or draw to be honest.
  2. Charlie Mulgrew has never come across as the smartest (ignoring leaving his child locked in the car while he goes shopping). We took a hiding off of someone years ago around the time his form began to drop during the McGhee years. A friend of a friend asked him how he could go out and get bleezing after that performance etc. Mulgrew asked him what he did for a living. Upon being told the lad was a joiner he asked if he would still go out for a few pints if he nailed a bit of wood wrong earlier in the day. This was in the queue at burger king to show an even higher level of professionalism.
  3. I thought it was more or less accepted that Lennon wasn't in control of the transfers? He was just accepting the shite Lawell gave him which was where Rodgers and Lawell fell out.
  4. Why would the SNP sling mud at Alba?
  5. I think that's a fair summation but that doesn't help with numbers. If we have Brown do we need McGeouch?
  6. I didn't think so either but there's been rumours for months that he's been fit for the majority of the season and had a major fall out with McInnes.
  7. I'm not talking about his wages. If you include McCrorie then we have 6 CM's on the books for next season. That's without Virtanen potentially signing on and Conor Barron getting a look in.
  8. Despite it looking like you not getting a fee or a contract extension you've probably made the money spent on his wages etc back from the third place finish and potential Euros compensation alone.
  9. Interestingly I was on transfermrkt and it looks like Scott Brown and Gallagher are represented by the same agency. Probably putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5 but that could be something else that works in our 'favour'.
  10. There's no way he's going to replace almost 10 out of contract experienced players with youth. There's also fat to trim off the wage bill now we've signed Brown to play CM. Cormack said it himself "you will see some announcements in the next few weeks of players that will add real value to our squad."
  11. Not as eye catching as an orange strip, that's for sure.
  12. Hahaha not seen it but did read about that in The Athletic. Basically Jack Ross didn't think he was worth more than £1m. Chairman was determined to land him and paid something wild. Grigg flopped badly.
  13. Oooft. You almost pulled @Dons_1988 in to the North Sea there.
  14. This is the part of Dave being committed to making Glass a success that worries me tbh.
  15. It's more his age I worry about. He is roughly the same age as Ash Taylor so there's no resale value. He'll likely want a decent contract as this is his last real chance at making decent money. Would I take him on a similar wage to Ash? Yes. Is he twice as good as Ash Taylor? Probably not.
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