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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Remember when David Murray used to make grand statements. That you'd be willing to roll the dice again beggars belief. It's still half a million on a player who 'may come good'. You've won nothing.
  2. Takes like this are why your club are in the state they're in. It's a house of cards reliant on success in Europe. There is absolutely no need for Rangers to spunk half a million on a player from England (he'll be on a decent wage too) if he's fulfilling the role an academy player could. That's exactly my point when I suggested Halkett. Except he'd have cost peanuts in comparison.
  3. For half a million quid? Then give them barely any time? Rangers have resigned players they've previously released. You have also been interested in Kenny McLean and Lewis Ferguson. Two players you released. It's ok to suggest a signing hasn't worked lads.
  4. Yes. The point I'm making is for all the minutes Edmundson has played they'd have been as well have signed a decent centre half from Scotland at the end of contract. Remember they're running a club that's not financially sustainable without continued investment.
  5. For the money spent you could have picked up one the centre halves at domestic level. The likes of Halkett.
  6. Yeah. It's only the case as of June 30th. You suffered from Covid related issues cash wise since March (as we all did) and won't have the cash coming in like it was pre March last year. You also had a higher turnover due to Europa League. It won't be near as profitable this year unless you go further than you did this year.
  7. Not to get pedantic but there's no way your wages are 50% of your turnover. Your turnover will be a lot less this year and you've signed more players since June. Wilshire also coming in. Allegedly.
  8. Had a quick peak. Looks worse than ours although I'd imagine there's more folk willing to chuck good money after bad for you guys.
  9. Never considered that! Apparently they've been letting go a lot of youth coaches etc. A road I hope we don't go down.
  10. Agreed. It's also pretty futile trying to fight the government when they could just show the club a video of supporters watching the Scotland game in The Draft Project last week as a reason why we're not getting anybody in. It'll go one of two ways. Make staff redundant and keep investing in the team or making cuts player wise or cut the playing budget and potentially go backwards. Doesn't seem to be a happy medium. Cormack and Wicks to give an update on YouTube at 1100.
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