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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Rodgers probably isn't the best candidate come seasons end. Other teams may also sack their manager (as you've highlighted it's fairly common practice) so Leicester may have ponied up a fair wedge for Rodgers to get him now.
  2. https://thecelticblog.com/2019/01/blogs/scott-mckenna-appears-to-be-on-the-brink-of-a-move-to-celtic/ This one is a classic.
  3. I read it on the BBC website. So probably speculation.
  4. Left alone to fend for himself against the family.
  5. Isn't it 25 years which at the end of a parole board would decide if you are to remain in prison or not?
  6. It's a bizarre and sick story. She was dealing drugs to him and they were allegedly shagging behind Aleshas dads back. There was also a key left in the door and he's managed to walk in, grab the girl and leave. He's never been in the house before. The step mum then apparently casts doubt on him the next morning during the search? Agreed on the photos.
  7. Step mother. Certainly a bizarre case. Not sure how innocent she is to be fair.
  8. Ferguson 5 year contract finally confirmed. Great news.
  9. Aye. There's a reason the **** didn't vote to exclude the new club.
  10. Bizarre comment from the other lad. Managed to get from Rubislaw to Cove in 15 minutes at half 4 yesterday evening. Pre-bypass that's a nightmare journey if you don't go through Holburn.
  11. DukDukGoose

    FIFA 19

    Anyone else experiencing chronic button delay since the new patch?
  12. A Celtic fan would not be able to referee rangers and vice versa. You're being contradictory for the sake of it so I'll leave it there.
  13. The point I'm making is that the biggest game in the country is seen as the Celtic v rangers fixtures. Both teams are expected to reach the final of every competition and battle for the title. If you are a ref and have to declare allegiance then you are almost certainly not going to get referee the most high profile game in the country. This would then lead to you not being put forward as a UEFA ref or whatever it is.
  14. I don't think the current refs are getting a job due to who they support though.
  15. How have sales looked since the change?
  16. DukDukGoose

    FIFA 19

    I did the Bundesliga Caliguiri SBC (I run a Bundesliga squad and had loads of cards from doing the untradable upgrades) and used him for a month before the DaCosta SBC came out. All in all, I came out better off due to some brilliant pulls from the packs but the earlier SBC's aren't going to be end game players. That Hamsik looks great though.
  17. I don't think they should be but how is it enforceable? Are they expected to declare the team of their allegiance when they register to become a ref? If so then you'd undoubtedly find no ref supports Celtic or rangers but there'll be plenty Ayr, Morton etc etc. I'm not even approaching that from the standpoint that they're cheating. It's logical. Look at the number of games they would not be able to referee. The system works in England due to the number of teams and competitiveness in the league.
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